Must Know! Beware of Asymptomatic Hypertension and How to Treat It

Unlike diseases in general where sufferers experience certain signs or symptoms, hypertension or high blood pressure is a disease that is often found without symptoms. However, please note that even though there are no symptoms, this does not mean that this disease is not dangerous. In fact, hypertension can be a serious cause of various complications of health problems, such as heart disease, stroke, and even kidney failure if not treated properly. Therefore, it is important to understand what asymptomatic hypertension is, how to detect it, and what steps can be taken to overcome it.

What is asymptomatic hypertension?

Asymptomatic hypertension is a condition where a person has high blood pressure but does not experience typical or obvious symptoms associated with this condition. This means that even if a person's blood pressure is at a high and potentially dangerous level, the individual may not feel or be aware of this health problem.

Asymptomatic hypertension is often considered a silent killer because it can damage the body's organs without giving clear signs or symptoms. Therefore, many people with asymptomatic hypertension may not be aware of their condition until they have regular blood pressure checks or experience serious complications related to high blood pressure, such as heart attack, stroke, or kidney damage.

Causes of Hypertension

In general, there are several risk factors that cause hypertension or high blood pressure. These causal factors include the following.

  1. Genetic factors , such as a family history of high blood pressure.
  2. Unhealthy lifestyles, such as consuming foods low in fiber and nutrients, lack of physical activity, and smoking habits.
  3. Obesity, because a body with excess weight requires more blood to supply nutrients and oxygen to all tissues and organs.
  4. Age, because stiff arteries due to the natural aging process can cause blood pressure to increase.
  5. Other medical conditions, such as kidney disease, diabetes, thyroid disorders, or airway obstruction (sleep apnea) may contribute to the development of hypertension.
  6. Chronic stress, or persistently high levels of stress.
  7. Alcohol consumption, especially if excessive alcohol consumption.
  8. Lack of adequate rest, because it can cause hormonal and neurological disorders which can increase blood pressure.
  9. Certain medications, such as hormonal contraceptive drugs, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and others.

How to Detect Asymptomatic Hypertension

Based on medical guidelines, normal systolic blood pressure is < 120 mmhg and 800 for diastolic blood pressure meanwhile prehypertension is defined when systolic in the range of 120-139 80-89 apart from that hypertension has 2 stages first values 140-159 around 90-99 second stage value 160 100

Therefore, detecting hypertension without symptoms can be done through routine blood pressure checks. Regular blood pressure checks are very important, especially for those who have certain risk factors, such as a family history of hypertension, smoking habits, or being overweight. Apart from that, self-measurement of blood pressure can also help detect hypertension early.

Treatment of Asymptomatic Hypertension

Treatment of asymptomatic hypertension involves steps such as consulting a doctor for an accurate diagnosis, implementing a healthy lifestyle such as a balanced diet and regular exercise, avoiding risk factors such as smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, regular monitoring of blood pressure, use of antihypertensive drugs if necessary. necessary, as well as periodic doctor visits to evaluate response to treatment or lifestyle changes.

By understanding the importance of early detection and management of hypertension, the risk of complications due to high blood pressure can be managed well. Heart and blood vessel health can be maintained. Adopt a healthy lifestyle, do regular blood pressure checks, and consult with the best doctors at EMC Hospital if you experience high blood pressure or have risk factors for high blood pressure. Hopefully this article can provide useful insight regarding asymptomatic hypertension and encourage positive steps in dealing with it. Healthy Greetings!

Article written by dr. Natalia Budisantoso, Sp.PD, FINASIM (Specialist in Internal Medicine at EMC Tangerang Hospital).