Myths and Facts about Cancer that You Need to Know

Cancer or cancer (in Indonesian) is a health disorder in which there is abnormal growth of cells in the body that grow continuously, crowding out surrounding tissues and can move to other organs and grow into these organs. In general, this cancer does not cause significant symptoms in its early stages of development. Significant complaints will occur when there is interference with surrounding organs or when cancer cells have spread and reached an advanced stage.

As the second most common cause of death in the world, cancer is known to be caused by cells growing abnormally, and also triggered by other factors such as a family history of cancer, age, lifestyle habits, infections, radiation exposure and so on.

In commemoration of World Cancer Day which falls on February 4, this article will discuss more about the myths and facts about cancer that you may need to know.

  1. Cancer treatment.
    There is a myth that treating cancer is more damaging to health than curing it.
    In fact , cancer treatment in the form of chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or surgery can cause side effects. One of the side effects is the death of healthy cells from surrounding organs affected by cancer. This is why many cancer sufferers often think that cancer treatment is making their situation worse.
  1. Causes of cancer.
    Some myths state that cancer is caused by the use of hair dyes and radiation due to the use of cell phones, computers and microwave ovens through radiation.
    In fact, the use of hair dyes has not been sufficiently proven to cause harmful effects on humans (reported from The International Agency for Research on Cancer ), while electronic devices such as cellphones, computers, and microwave ovens are low-frequency tools that do not damage genes so they do not cause cancer. .
  1. Heredity Factor.
    Myth Even if you don't have a history of cancer in your family, it doesn't mean that someone doesn't have a risk of getting cancer.
    In fact , anyone can get cancer, especially if you have an unhealthy lifestyle.
  1. Cancer transmission.
    The myth of making physical contact and being in the same room as a cancer patient can cause someone to contract cancer.
    In fact, having physical contact or being in the same room with a cancer patient will not cause someone to contract cancer. Transmission can occur when there is an exchange of organs such as organ transplants with sufferers
  1. Cancer pain.
    Myth cancer is a very painful disease.
    The fact is that the pain suffered by cancer sufferers is caused by infiltration and spread which causes damage to body tissues. Many types of cancer have minimal symptoms or even no symptoms at all and can only be diagnosed at a late stage.

Efforts that can be made when someone has cancer is to consult with a specialist in cancer (oncology) and carry out the recommended treatment procedures.

Article written by dr. Marthino Robinson, Sp.PD-KHOM (Internal Medicine Specialist - Consultant Medical Hemato Oncologist at EMC Sentul Hospital).