New year is synonymous with celebration and party. Many people choose to wait for the turn of the year by eating a variety of delicious foods and snacks with those closest to them. Apart from making you consume more food and snacks, the New Year's Eve usually keeps you up late at night. This certainly affects your body's metabolism. The combination of these two things can make your weight increase drastically.
If you feel that the New Year's moment makes your body weight increase, it's a good idea to find the best way to get it back to its ideal figure. Diet is certainly a solution, but don't just go on a diet to lose weight. You can see the following healthy diet inspiration for you to apply at home.
Don't Forget Fiber
Fiber is one of the important nutrients that can help a person lose weight and keep the figure stable and not increase quickly. Consuming lots of fiber can help you feel full longer without adding a lot of calories to your body.
In addition, fiber can slow down the emptying of stomach contents and digestive work. That way, you don't feel hungry anymore so you will eat less. Gradually, fiber can help you lose weight. Fiber can be found in a variety of healthy food menus, such as vegetables, fruit and nuts.
Reduce Refined Carbohydrates
In general, refined carbohydrates are a type of carbohydrate that has been processed in such a way that it loses fiber and other nutrients. Refined carbohydrates are digested more quickly and have a high glycemic index. Foods that have a high glycemic index can increase appetite and increase the risk of many diseases, such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, colon cancer, and various digestive problems. Some types of food that are included in refined carbohydrates are white flour, bread, soda, pasta, candy, and cereal.
Instead of refined carbohydrates, you can eat healthier complex carbohydrates, such as oats, quinoa, potatoes or carrots. These foods have more nutrients and can make you feel full longer.
Drink Lots of Water
You can start a healthy diet by meeting your water needs. Drinking water at the right time can have a positive impact on your diet. For example, consuming water before eating can make you feel full faster so you will tend to consume fewer calories. Apart from that, keeping your body well hydrated is also very beneficial for your overall health, considering that most of your body is made up of water.
Reduce Sweet Foods and Drinks
If you want your diet to succeed, then you need to reduce your consumption of sugary foods and drinks. This is because sweet foods and drinks usually contain added sugar compounds. These foods and drinks also usually do not contain nutrients that are good for health. Another thing that needs attention regarding sweet foods and drinks is the misconception about foods that have a natural source of sweet taste. Some organic foods and drinks, such as fruit juices, also contain large amounts of sugar. So, make it a habit to read the nutritional content before consuming food or drink.
High Protein Breakfast
Another way you can do if you want your diet to succeed is to get used to having breakfast with foods that have a high protein content. So, if you've been eating breakfast more often with cereal or bread, you can try replacing it with foods that are high in protein, such as eggs. Increasing protein consumption in the morning can help you avoid the urge to overeat during the day.
Avoid Alcoholic Drinks
When on a diet, you also need to avoid alcoholic beverages. These types of drinks tend to have a high calorie content which can make your efforts to lose weight in vain. Alcohol also makes your body lose important minerals so it can make the body dehydrated.
After knowing the various ways to do a healthy diet to achieve ideal body weight, you can start to develop a diet strategy that is right for you. The choice of diet pattern can be different for each person, considering that the nutritional and nutritional needs of each person are different from one another. For the right diet pattern, you are advised to consult a nutritionist. Let's maintain health and ideal body weight for a better quality of life. #LiveExcellently.