Maintaining immunity or endurance is one way that can be done to prevent transmission of viruses and diseases including COVID-19. according to dr. Sentot Handoko, Sp.GK , from EMC Hospital, to maintain body immunity, we need to fulfill our daily nutrition. Because, if the nutrients in the body decrease, antibodies will also automatically decrease. The body needs both macronutrients and micronutrients to create enough antibodies to fight bacteria, viruses and other antigens.
Do we need to take other supplements to maintain body immunity?
If the body is fulfilled with macronutrients such as fruits and vegetables, we should not need to take other supplements or multivitamins. However, if we only eat small portions, additional supplements or multivitamins will be needed, of course, with a dose that suits each person's body needs.
How to keep immunity well maintained?
The way the body's immunity is maintained is by meeting the needs of macronutrients and micronutrients. Macronutrients such as protein must be fulfilled by 10 to 20 percent of total energy, while carbohydrates must be fulfilled by 50 to 60 percent of total energy, fat must be fulfilled up to 20-30 percent of total energy, and multivitamins and minerals should be fulfilled in accordance with HDA . However, in certain cases, such as those with a disease or severe inflammation, higher doses of multivitamins and minerals will be given. Especially for people with COVID-19, the need for vitamins and minerals can reach 1000g.
How do we know if our nutrition is fulfilled?
When we lack nutritional needs in our body, our physique will show several signs, such as dry skin which is a sign of vitamin D and zinc deficiency. Hair that falls out easily indicates a lack of protein and vitamins in the body, and a tired body indicates a lack of nutrition.
Therefore, we must follow balanced nutrition guidelines, such as meeting protein, fat and carbohydrate needs. We also should not eat carelessly or eat large portions. The food we will consume must also be varied.
Next, we must meet our needs for micronutrients such as Vitamins C, A, D, and E. During a pandemic like this, Vitamin C can work to boost the immune system. Vitamins that can be obtained from kiwi fruit, oranges, and bright red fruits will increase lipocytes, then form antibodies. In addition, Vitamin C will also stimulate the formation of DNA, which will form proteins resulting in the formation of antibodies.
Vitamin A also has many benefits for the body, such as helping the body's natural defenses to fight diseases and infections that interfere with our body's health. Not only that, vitamin A is also known to be very good for helping a person's vision to be more optimal.
No less important, Vitamin D plays an important role in the formation of antibodies. We can get vitamin D by sunbathing. If we sunbathe under 9 am, the duration of sunbathing is only 20 minutes. If sunbathing between 11 am to 1 pm, it is recommended that the duration of sunbathing is only 7 to 8 minutes. That way, sunbathing will produce 65 to 80mg of Vitamin D for the body.
Vitamin E, which can be obtained by consuming nuts such as almonds, canola , or olive oil , functions as an antioxidant and is very suitable for consumption by the elderly.
In addition to the various vitamins above, Omega-3 from sea fish or fish oil is also very good for suppressing inflammation in our bodies.
How about eating dates, lemons, and bananas?
Dates are very good for consumption. Dates contain lots of nutrients that are good for the body such as carbohydrates, potassium, sugar, and vitamins. As for lemon, the vitamins it contains are very good for the body's immunity, but if our stomach is not too able to consume acidic foods, we should reduce consumption of lemons. Bananas are also a very good source of probiotics, especially for those of us who have stomach problems.
Good nutritional intake for workers.
Generally, a worker's working hour is 8 hours, while gastric emptying is usually around 3 to 4 hours. At that time, energy will decrease and have an effect on the level of work productivity. So, if we want to work in this new normal era, we must fulfill our nutrition by eating balanced nutrition at breakfast, lunch and one snack between work. We can eat any snack , but it's important for us to recalculate the proteins, carbohydrates, and fats that enter the body so that nutrition remains balanced.
How to fulfill balanced nutrition for obese people?
Everyone, whether they have a disease or not, must follow balanced nutrition guidelines. For obese people, continuing to consume nutritious food but reducing the number of calories, and always exercising enough is a way that must be done so that immunity and body health are maintained.
Even though they already know the various kinds of nutrition needed to increase immunity above, everyone still needs guidance from extension workers or nutrition doctors so they can choose foods with balanced nutrition that suit their individual body needs and the disease they are suffering from. #LiveExcellently