Did you know that everyone actually has hemorrhoids, some also call these hemorrhoids ambeian or hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are a collection of veins shaped like pillows, which are located just below the mucous membrane that lines the lower part of the rectum and anus. The condition we often call hemorrhoids develops when the blood vessels become swollen and enlarged, like varicose veins in the legs.
Hemorrhoids are usually caused by increased pressure from pregnancy, being overweight, or straining during a bowel movement. By middle age, hemorrhoids are often a persistent complaint. More recent studies have shown that patients with hemorrhoids tend to have higher resting anal canal tone—that is, the smooth muscle of the anal canal tends to be tighter than average (even when not straining). Constipation adds to this problem, since straining during a bowel movement increases pressure in the anal canal and pushes the hemorrhoids against the sphincter muscles. Finally, the connective tissue that supports and holds hemorrhoids in place can weaken with age, causing them to protrude and prolapse.
Be aware of the symptoms of hemorrhoids?
If you have hemorrhoids, you may notice:
- Bright red blood on toilet paper or in the toilet when you have a bowel movement (BAB)
- Itching, discomfort or pain around the anus
- Sometimes there is a lump protruding from the anus (prolapse)
Many people experience no symptoms or very mild symptoms that go away after a few days. But for others, hemorrhoids are more painful.
Know the two types of hemorrhoids:
- Internal Hemorrhoids
Internal hemorrhoids are classified into 4 types. This is based on the degree of prolapse (how much the hemorrhoid protrudes from your anus).
- Grade I hemorrhoids - are inside the anus and are usually not very painful.
- Grade II hemorrhoids - protrude from the anus when you have a bowel movement. After the bowel movement is complete, the hemorrhoids will return to the anus on their own.
- Grade III hemorrhoids - must be physically pushed back into the anus after a bowel movement. These hemorrhoids may be painful if they are large.
- Grade IV hemorrhoids - are larger lumps that protrude from the anus permanently, and cannot be pushed back in.
- External hemorrhoids
External hemorrhoids occur as lumps outside your anus. The blood inside these hemorrhoids can thrombose (clot) and the lumps can become very painful.
When Should You See a Doctor Immediately?
Hemorrhoids to some extent can heal without any treatment. However, if you see or feel:
- Blood or mucus in the stool (feces) during bowel movements (BAB)
- Changes in your bowel habits or bowel movements
- Changes in stool color
- Recent weight loss
- Stomach ache
- Fever/ chills
- Nausea/ Vomiting
Then consult a doctor immediately. Hemorrhoid symptoms are also very similar to colon cancer symptoms . Early examination and treatment will certainly be better
Hemorrhoids should not be considered trivial, therefore EMC Tangerang Hospital provides superior and expert services for hemorrhoids/piles problems supported by experienced and expert doctors and sophisticated medical equipment. Patients from eastern Indonesia to western Indonesia come to EMC Tangerang Hospital to resolve hemorrhoid problems.
Treatment for patients with hemorrhoid complaints can be done in various ways according to the patient's needs, including:
- Medicines that can be in the form of medicated creams, ointments, or solid medicines that are inserted into the anus.
- Laser hemorrhoid method or Laser Hemorrhoidoplasty (LHP) is a minimally invasive method without incisions, where laser coagulation aims to stop blood flow to the hemorrhoids. The laser causes the hemorrhoidal blood vessels to close and the size of the hemorrhoids to shrink. Because this procedure is minimally invasive (almost without incisions), it is expected that the risk of surgery such as pain, bleeding and infection is less likely than other hemorrhoid surgery methods if performed by a surgeon who is experienced in this field, and there is no possibility of surgical risks such as narrowing of the anus and the anus becoming "dol" (incontinence or unable to hold a bowel movement).
- Rubber band ligation (banding) - uses a tight rubber band placed around your hemorrhoid to cut off the blood supply. This causes the hemorrhoid to fall off and exit the body.
- Injection (sclerotherapy) - by injecting a chemical into your hemorrhoid. This will numb the pain, stop the bleeding and cause your hemorrhoid to shrink.
- HAL-RAR (Hemorrhoid Arterial Ligation and Recto Anal Repair). The HAL-RAR technique was first applied by Dr. Kazumassa Morinaga in Japan, in 1995. In this method, the doctor uses a special ultrasound doppler device to detect hemorrhoid blood vessels, so that stitching can be done and it is hoped that the hemorrhoid tissue will shrink. Then continued with the RAR action, where the mucosal layer of the hemorrhoid is stitched and tied upwards, so that it can function normally again.
- Surgery called hemorrhoidectomy may be necessary for more severe hemorrhoids. Surgery is performed under general anesthesia to remove your hemorrhoids.
How to prevent hemorrhoids?
Hemorrhoids are common as we age. The following steps can help prevent them.
- Don't sit too long or strain too hard on the toilet.
- Go to the toilet when the urge to defecate arises - do not delay defecation.
- Fulfill your drinking water needs
- Eat more high-fiber foods (fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains) or take a supplement. In general, women and people assigned female at birth should aim for 25 grams of fiber per day, while men and people assigned male at birth should get 35 grams of fiber.
- Stay physically active. Moving keeps your bowels moving.
For more details, you can directly consult with Dr. Okkian Wijaya Kotamto, Sp.B.SubBDig, FINACS (Surgeon Specialist - Digestive Surgery Subspecialist EMC Tangerang Hospital ) or contact marketing at: 0818-0818-0812 .