Apart from back pain, another part of the body that is most often complained of is the shoulder. Generally the complaints are felt like when moving your hands, wearing clothes and taking your wallet from your back pocket. These complaints can be caused by rotator cuff injuries ( shoulder rotator cuff ).
Symptoms of Rotator Cuff Pain
The rotator cuff is made up of the muscles and ligaments that support the upper arm at the shoulder joint. The shoulder joint has a wider range of motion than any other joint, so the risk of injury is greater. When you feel pain in one or all of the ligaments in the shoulder swivel joint, you may have a rotator cuff injury. Shoulder pain is common in those who frequently use the arm in the same position or in those over 40 years of age. Activities that put too much pressure on the shoulder and are routinely carried out will cause inflammation and shoulder pain.
There are several groups that have a potential risk of developing a rotator cuff injury, including:
- Those who are over 40 years old
- Athletes who use their arms in the same position continuously, such as baseball athletes, badminton athletes, and tennis athletes
- Workers in construction
- Have a family history of rotator cuff injuries
Management of rotator cuff injuries
Mild rotator cuff injuries can be treated with painkillers and non-steroidal anti-inflammatories. However, there have been cases where the use of this drug has caused abdominal pain and bleeding. Rotator cuff therapy can be recommended for patients whose pain does not go away even after taking medication. Non-invasive Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy ( ESWT ) is a therapeutic procedure using shock waves to treat pain in soft tissues such as the rotator cuff .
ESWT therapy has advantages such as a procedure that does not require anesthesia and there are almost no side effects after the therapy is carried out. This therapy will react directly on the nerve tissue which will relieve pain. This therapy uses a special instrument that emits acoustic shock waves through the skin. These waves are then directed into the rotator cuff for about 15 minutes. ESWT will promote blood circulation to the rotator cuff , so the healing process is faster. During the ESWT procedure, the patient will feel a little pain, but the pain caused by this shock wave can be managed by the doctor by adjusting the strength of the shock wave.
After carrying out ESWT therapy, patients can carry out their usual activities, but taking pain relievers, anti-inflammatory drugs, and ice therapy is not recommended because they will hinder the healing process. ESWT therapy usually requires three sessions to get optimal results where the first session therapy usually has a success rate of 80% and the second session therapy is successful 90%.
Prevention of Rotator Cuff Injury
To prevent rotator cuff injuries, it is important to adjust your movement patterns and lifestyle. If you have a routine that involves continuous arm movement, it's a good idea to rest your arms and shoulders for a few minutes. Especially if you have been doing ESWT therapy, it is recommended not to lift heavy weights and use the arm that is not injured. Immediately consult your condition if you feel pain when raising your hand to one side, such as raising your hand above your head. Let's keep our shoulders healthy so we can be free from pain and do our activities comfortably. #LiveExcellently