Low back pain is a health problem that is often complained of as we get older. If a person has low back pain, he will feel pain in the lower back, between the corners of the lowest ribs and towards the sacrum. Referring to data from the Directorate General of Health Services, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, the prevalence rate of low back pain is around 18% and will increase with age, especially in the middle and early decades of the fourth decade.
Causes of low back pain
The causes of low back pain are quite diverse. According to Orthopedics & Traumatology Spine Consultant at EMC Tangerang Hospital, dr. Harmantya Mahadhipta said that the cause of low back pain can be caused by infection in the muscles or spine, trauma or severe impact in the waist area, and spinal disorders. However, one of the causes of low back pain that often occurs is Hernia Nucleus Pulposus (HNP), otherwise known as a pinched sarah.
according to dr. Harmantya, squeezing occurs due to a protrusion of the back joint that pinches the nerves. In HNP there are several risk factors that increase the potential for pinched nerves such as people who smoke, chronic cough, wrong sitting position, or wrong way of lifting things. Generally, the pain that is felt when a nerve is pinched is a feeling of extraordinary pain, heat, aching, tingling and even like being electrocuted.
The Latest Healing Method for Low Back Pain
Apart from causing discomfort to the body, pressure on a pinched nerve can cause permanent damage to the nerve if the pain is allowed to continue. If massage therapy is only able to relieve pain caused by pinched nerves, there is a new method that can effectively cure Hernia Nucleus Pulposus (HNP). The new method is Micro Endoscopic Discectomy (MED).
The Micro Endoscopic Discectomy (MED) method is a type of Minimally Invasive Surgery available at EMC Tangerang Hospital. This method is carried out by making a small incision, only eight millimeters, which aims to insert a small pipe-shaped operating tool. The small pipe has a camera connected to a monitor screen so that the doctor can see the operating object. After seeing the operating object, the doctor will cut and remove the protrusion of the gel nucleus that is pressing on the nerves using the small tube. After the protrusion of the gel nucleus is removed, the patient will be free from pinched nerves and the pain will disappear.
The minimally invasive surgical method Micro Endoscopic Discectomy (MED) is considered more effective and effective in curing pinched nerve pain without causing additional postoperative pain. This is because this method requires only a small incision, which reduces injury and bleeding. The percentage of success reaches 90-95% and only takes 30 minutes for the surgical procedure. After performing this minimally invasive surgery, patients can go home immediately and start their activities again.
If you have problems with the waist area or have symptoms of a pinched nerve, you can consult with Dr. Harmantya Mahadhipta Sp.OT (K) Spine who practices at EMC Tangerang Hospital every Monday and Wednesday at 15.00 – 17.00. For further information, you can also contact Tangerang EMC Hospital at 021-55752575. #LiveExcellently