Overcome Scoliosis Spine Abnormalities with Proper Treatment

Having an ideal body posture not only makes the body look proportional and attractive, but good posture also affects one's health condition. When you have good and ideal posture, there is less burden and tension on the muscles and ligaments. That way, good posture will provide many health benefits, such as preventing you from muscle pain, reducing headaches, improving breathing, and various other health benefits.

Good or bad posture is closely related to the condition of the spine. Errors and abnormalities in the spine can cause disturbances in posture. One of the health problems caused by spinal disorders is scoliosis. Curvature of the spine, also known as scoliosis, is generally known as a condition in which the spine curves abnormally. The arch can be shaped like the letter C or S and is often found in children before puberty, that is, at the age of 10-15 years. At first, the condition of scoliosis looks mild. But over time, if proper treatment is not given, the condition of scoliosis can develop to become more severe.

In some cases, the initial symptoms of scoliosis are only preceded by symptoms of pain and discomfort in the back to the waist followed by a slight curvature of the spine. Often the early symptoms of scoliosis are ignored and underestimated by many people. It is quite difficult to do early detection of scoliosis independently without professional help. But in general, scoliosis has some common symptoms, such as the condition that one shoulder is higher than the other. In addition, one side of the scapula can also be seen that looks more prominent, as well as the patient's waist height which tends to be uneven. In its early stages, scoliosis may not have a significant impact on the sufferer's body condition and daily activities. However, at a certain level of severity, scoliosis can cause interference with the lungs, heart, and limb function.

Treatment of Scoliosis

If you feel that your spine is curved, even if only slightly, you should immediately consult a doctor so that scoliosis can be detected early and easier to treat. If not treated early, scoliosis can slowly get worse and eventually cause permanent complications.

Treatment for scoliosis is based on severity, age, and the condition of the curvature of the spine. For scoliosis that causes pain, doctors will generally give pain relievers or corticosteroid injections. These corticosteroid injections only work for a short time, which is around a few weeks or a few months, so scoliosis sufferers usually require more serious treatment, such as through surgical procedures.

Currently, scoliosis can be treated with minimally invasive surgery, so that patients only get small incisions in the surgical process, not traditional long incisions that can cause a lot of trauma to muscles and tissues. The goal of this surgery is to stop the development of the curve and reduce the spinal deformity. In doing so, this surgery can help restore stability and proper alignment of the spine.

This minimally invasive surgery can be performed using robotic surgery where the surgeon controls the robot from a console. This procedure is considered efficient because it only requires 3-4 very small buttonhole-sized incisions on the back and waist. The use of a high-definition 3D camera in this minimally invasive surgical procedure allows for an excellent and realistic view of the spinal area being operated on. The flexibility of the robot hand is also able to provide greater accuracy and control for surgeons to complete operations with greater precision. Another advantage of minimally invasive surgical procedures is that postoperative pain is so minimal that it does not interfere with the recovery period of scoliosis patients.

Those are some explanations about scoliosis and its treatment. Let's maintain the health of our spine by maintaining proper posture, whether sitting, standing or walking, and don't delay to see a doctor immediately if you experience symptoms of scoliosis. #LiveExcellently