Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine method and has been used for thousands of years to treat various ailments and symptoms. Currently, the concept of acupuncture treatment has developed from a classic traditional concept to a medical acupuncture concept that is applied based on conventional medical principles.
Acupuncture treatment is done by inserting fine needles to stimulate the body's "acupuncture points". A thin sterile needle will be inserted in the body part to be treated. Needles will usually be inserted at different depths, depending on the technique used. The size of the needle used ranges from 2.5 cm-5 cm. After the needle is inserted into the acupuncture point, the doctor will leave the needle for about half an hour. During the procedure, you may feel pain and numbness. This indicates the treatment is working. Generally, an acupuncturist will recommend visits once a week for 4-8 sessions. How long the treatment lasts depends on the progress seen with each treatment.
Acupuncture benefits
Acupuncture treatment is useful for restoring health and fitness, improving blood circulation, metabolism, and reducing and treating pain. The effectiveness of acupuncture in treating various diseases has received recognition from the World Health Organization (WHO). Even WHO has recommended this treatment technique to be integrated with the National Health System of each country, including in Indonesia.
Furthermore, according to dr. Yovita, Akp from Sentul EMC Hospital gave an explanation of some of the benefits and diseases that can be overcome by doing acupuncture therapy, including:
- Improve blood circulation and body metabolism
- Increase stamina and immunity
- Helps reduce pain, such as headaches, migraines, back pain, neck shoulder pain, knee pain, arthritis / arthritis without using drugs
- Indigestion, gastric pain, nausea, vomiting
- Hormonal disturbances
- Respiratory disorders, asthma, cough, flu
- Nervous disorders, post-stroke rehabilitation.
Acupuncture risks
according to dr. Yovita, acupuncture is very safe to do with minimal side effects if done by a doctor or trained health worker. Each acupuncture procedure uses disposable sterile needles so that it can prevent the transmission of infectious diseases between patients. Some of the side effects that may occur after doing acupuncture such as mild pain during the procedure, bruising after the procedure to interfere with the work of a pacemaker if it is performed on a person who has a pacemaker installed in their body. Acupuncture itself is safe to do at all ages including children. Currently, acupuncture has become an alternative treatment favored by all groups because it has proven its effectiveness.
If you are interested in doing acupuncture treatment, you should choose a certified acupuncturist for your safety and comfort during the acupuncture procedure. As a solution, you can visit Sentul EMC Hospital and consult with dr. Yovita Wijaya, Akp with a practice schedule on Monday: 16.00 - 18.00 WIB and Thursday: 09.00-12.00 WIB. You can also make an appointment with the doctor concerned by phone and text message at 085774711860 or at the EMC Sentul Hospital call center at 021-29672977. #LiveExcellently