The Importance of Vaccination in Adults

You might think that as you get older and become an adult, you don't need to get vaccinated anymore. However, it turns out that vaccination at an adult age is still very necessary to prevent various diseases and protect those around you.

Adults also need to maintain their immunity against various diseases because immunity obtained from childhood vaccinations can reduce their ability to prevent disease, besides that adults also have a risk of disease that is different from the risk of disease in children. Vaccination is one of the easiest and safest disease prevention measures.

Vaccination in adults is recommended based on age, previous vaccination status, health, lifestyle, occupation, purpose of travel, and so on.

Make sure you get vaccinated at a health facility that has a good cold chain system and meets standards in carrying out vaccination services. Tangerang EMC Hospital has a cold chain system that has been standardized and monitored optimally so that the quality of the vaccine is maintained from the start of the distribution, storage, to administration to patients, so that the effectiveness of the protection of the vaccine can work optimally.

Protect yourself and those around you with vaccinations according to doctor's recommendations, because prevention is much easier than cure.

Article written by dr. Nurul Hanifa, Sp.OK (Occupational Specialist at EMC Hospital Tangerang).