Commonly known by the general public as hernias, hernias are a condition when the internal organs protrude from the surrounding muscle layers. In general, hernias occur in the abdomen and bulges that usually appear in the waist. In addition, hernias can also occur in the upper thighs, navel, and around the groin.
Generally this disease is not life-threatening, but under certain conditions this disease can cause complications and harm the body. This disease cannot heal by itself, so prevention and treatment are needed.
Hernia early detection
Determining the presence of a hernia is not difficult. Generally, patients are aware of lumps in areas that are prone to hernias. This will be confirmed by the doctor through a physical examination. The difference between a hernia and a tumor is that a bulge in a hernia can disappear and arise, whereas in a tumor the bulge is consistent.
Not only parents, children can get hernias, even from birth. The causes of hernias vary, can be congenital, surgical scars involving the abdominal cavity, muscle weakness and pressure. Pressure on this organ causes the organ to be pushed against the weak part of the muscle. Because of this, anything that increases pressure in the abdomen can cause a hernia, including:
- Lifting heavy objects
- Diarrhea or constipation
- Persistent cough or sneezing
Many ordinary people who consider this disease trivial, and easily carry out treatment by means of traditional massage. Specific hernia treatment is surgery. However, not all hernias require surgery. Surgery is recommended for hernias that cause symptoms and are bothersome or getting bigger.
How to prevent hernias
Hernia is not a deadly disease, but under certain conditions this disease can cause complications that harm the body. Before it's too late, it would be nice for someone to take preventive measures.
Here are some ways to prevent hernias that can be done:
- Maintain normal body weight and pay attention to diet by eating healthy foods. Even though there are no food restrictions for hernia sufferers, you still have to maintain your diet so you don't overdo it, which will cause pressure in your stomach to increase.
- Avoid lifting heavy objects that can put pressure on the muscles.
- Stop or reduce smoking activities because this can cause a person to cough which is one of the causes of hernias.
- Eat foods that contain fiber, so this can improve digestion and prevent constipation or diarrhea.
However, if you feel that the condition of the hernia that you are experiencing is sufficient to interfere with your activities, you should immediately consult a doctor to avoid a more serious illness. #LiveExcellently
Article written by dr. Jefri, Sp.B (Specialist in General Surgery at EMC Hospital Tangerang).