Pit and Fissure Sealant, Solution to Prevent Children's Dental Caries

Taking care of teeth as early as possible is very important, especially during the period of teething the first molars in children aged 6 years. The first molars must be cared for and kept clean, bearing in mind that if there are cavities or caries there is no replacement. To prevent caries in permanent molars, parents are advised to treat their children's teeth with Pit and Fissure Sealant.

Recognize pits and fissures in teeth

The surfaces of the back teeth that we use for chewing are not flat and flat, but have narrow and deep pits and fissures. The depth and shape of these pits and fissures varies between individuals. There are people whose pits and fissures on the surface of their molars are deeper and narrower than others. It is in these pits and fissures that food debris is trapped and difficult to clean by a toothbrush, even one with the softest bristles or a small child's toothbrush.

This condition is very conducive for the growth and development of bacteria, which over time in this area can develop into dental caries. This can occur especially in children, in their new permanent teeth. But it can also occur in adults.

Benefits of pit and fissure sealant application

One characteristic of caries that occurs in the teeth is scalding caries, in which the surface of the tooth appears intact and good but actually the caries has reached the dentine layer which is much softer and more susceptible to caries than the harder tooth enamel layer. Caries like this are only detected when the dentist performs an examination by tracing the pits and fissures with an instrument with a sharp tip, called a sonde. If there is a point where the probe gets stuck, it is likely that is where the caries access to the dentine layer is located. If the doctor prepares this very small hole using a bur, it can become large, because the enamel layer that is not supported by the dentin layer must be removed because if you leave it alone, the enamel will break over time. After that, you can see a gaping hole underneath.

The surface of the molars with brown/black pits and fissures is a sign that a caries process has occurred. One way to prevent pit and fissure caries is to cover the area with an adhesive material that can flow well into the pit and fissure.

Pit and fissure sealant application procedure

The best time to apply pit and fissure sealants is as soon as possible after the first molars (molars) have just grown/erupted, which is when the child is ± 6 years old. After that, this procedure also needs to be done when the second molars have just erupted, namely when the child is ± 12 years old. The material used is a resin-based adhesive that is applied to the surface of the teeth that have been cleaned, then hardened with the help of light (visible light curing unit). This sealant material is continuously being developed, and what is now commonly used is a flowable composite resin that can flow well and easily cover pits and fissures. Or with flowing materials such as glass ionomer cement.

This pit and fissure sealant application procedure is not only suitable for children. Even adults with high caries risk can do pit and fissure sealants. However, in adults, careful examination is needed to ascertain whether there is really no caries that has occurred in the pits and fissures. If there is caries, then the treatment is no longer with pit and fissure sealant, but the tooth must be prepared and filled with the appropriate filling material. With the maintenance of good oral hygiene and application procedures that comply with operational standards, this sealant material can last for years. This procedure has long been an effective way to prevent caries, thereby reducing costs that may be incurred later for fillings, root canal treatment, or extraction of teeth with caries.  

Even though there are no complaints, both children and adults need to have a dental health check at least once every 6 months. This is important to do to detect the potential for dental caries. Invite children to keep brushing their teeth regularly 2 times a day with their favorite child's toothbrush, especially after eating and before going to bed for optimal tooth growth.

Article written by drg. Evrita Ramli, Sp.KGA (Children's Dental Specialist at EMC Alam Sutera Hospital)