Every day, humans continue to actively move and the shoulder is one of the joints in the body that moves the most. Your shoulder is composed of a complex joint consisting of 3 bones and is connected to many muscles and tendons down to the shoulder and nape area. It's so complex that you can do so many activities using your arms. However, it is this complexity that also makes the structure highly susceptible to injury. Without an accident (trauma), shoulder pain can also be caused by work done over a long period of time, repetitively (repetitively), or in an unusual position. The stress received by the shoulder joint will accumulate over time and cause chronic shoulder pain.
Occupational chronic shoulder pain risk factors
Examples of repetitive work that can be at risk of chronic shoulder pain include working in front of a computer and using a mouse , sliding or moving objects, lifting heavy objects, using heavy industrial machines. In addition, our body position when working is also a risk factor, for example, poor sitting or standing posture, or work that requires an unusual position, raising the arm above shoulder height or being in a static position for quite a long time. Job exposure can also have an effect, for example jobs that put pressure on the shoulders, touch contact for a long time, vibration, or extreme temperatures. Besides all that, working habits that are too relaxed can also weaken your shoulder muscles so that they are easily injured.
Position determines achievement
The risk for shoulder pain also remains even if we work from home. So, how to prevent shoulder pain due to working from home? The most important thing is to set an ergonomic working position. From a seated position, make sure both feet are flat on the floor or placemats, with your thighs parallel to the floor. Sit down so that your buttocks are against the backrest.
Your elbows should be able to rest on the mat and always be close to your body, so that your wrists and hands are always in line with your forearms. This way, your shoulders will be able to feel relaxed and relaxed. Make sure the table you use also has a maximum height of your elbows when you sit down. If necessary, use a keyboard and mouse support. Reset if you have to use the keyboard and mouse in an outstretched position, as this can cause sore shoulder muscles, especially the trapezius muscles.
Lastly, your waist must be propped up by a pillow or backrest. Beware because often as long as we work, unconsciously our sitting posture tends to fall so that the waist posture becomes bent.
If necessary, provide a special room for you to work in, so you can arrange your position and the items you use for work. The monitor screen should be spaced about an arm's length away, with the top of the monitor at eye level, and the keyboard and mouse in front of you. If necessary, use the mouse alternately with the other side.
Set work and rest schedules
To prevent monotonous work patterns, repetitive movements, or static positions, try to adjust your work schedule so that you are not doing the same work for hours on end. Vary the schedule of video meetings, calling clients, printing documents, and so on. Take time to rest 30 seconds every 30 minutes to do light stretching movements for your limbs, hands and feet. Also take the time to leave your desk for a moment every 2-3 hours, and take about 10 minutes to rest.
Healthy lifestyle pattern
Despite all the busyness due to work and an ergonomic work environment, never forget to always be active by exercising, eating a healthy diet, getting enough sleep and taking vitamins. Strong muscles and adequate nutrition can maintain joint and muscle strength, speed up metabolism and strengthen the immune system. Don't let pain keep you from working.
If you feel pain in the shoulder area continuously, immediately consult your pain doctor so that the injury does not become severe and get proper treatment.