Low back pain and pinched nerves often cause discomfort and harm the body. For some sufferers even unable to work or carry out their daily routine . The most common cause of low back pain and pinched nerves in the elderly is lumbar spinal stenosis. Lumbar spinal stenosis is a narrowing of the spinal canal that houses the spinal nerves.
Symptoms Lumbar spinal stenosis causes back pain that can radiate down one leg or both legs simultaneously. Patients may also experience weakness in the leg muscles or pain in the legs and thighs that require them to stop frequently while walking. This is caused by pressure on the nerves which will affect the way the sufferer walks which will certainly affect the quality of daily life .
You are more likely to get lumbar spinal stenosis if:
- B 50 years and over
- Overweight
- Diabetics _
- Menopausal women
You should immediately come to consult a doctor if you experience any of the following conditions:
- Intense /continuous back pain that affects walking and daily life and causes you to have to stop a lot while walking or only make relatively short distances
- Atrophy of the muscles in the legs ( the shape of the feet changes, such as being more concave because the muscles are shrinking; or they look asymmetrical)
- B urinating or defecating that is not normal
Treatment that can be done is:
- Medications ( Antibiotics , pain relievers , muscle relaxants to reduce muscle tension and associated pain , Medications to reduce pain and infection such as NSAIDs with muscle relaxants , Antidepressant Medications )
- Physical therapy to treat pain such as nerve stimulation through Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS), massage, ultrasound waves, acupuncture, traction, and strengthening of the back and leg muscles to increase their efficiency
- Surgery is an option when medication and physical therapy are not working, symptoms are affecting daily life, and urination and bowel movements become uncontrollable
PSLD (Percutaneous Stenoscopic Lumbar Decompression) surgical technique to treat lumbar spinal stenosis
The PSLD surgical technique is a sophisticated endoscopic surgical technique and has often been performed at EMC Tangerang Hospital. In this surgical technique, the doctor will insert an endoscopic decompression through a small incision (about 8 millimeters ) into the nerve area. The endoscope lens makes it appear as if the doctor has an eye inside the patient, allowing the doctor to see the abnormality clearly , and cut any herniated discs, joints, or ligaments that are putting pressure on the nerves without having to cut muscles that are still in good condition.
The advantages of this PSLD technique are:
- Safe
- Operation time is relatively shorter, only 30 minutes to 45 minutes
- The incision is relatively small ( only about 0.8 cm in diameter )
- Faster recovery and faster activity
- Low risk of infection
- Shorter hospital stay (about 1-2 days)
- Reducing network damage that occurs
For consultation and further information with dr. Harmantya Mahadhipta Sp.OT (K) Spine (Orthopedic & Traumatology Specialist Doctor, Spine Consultant at EMC Hospital Tangerang), contact: 0878 8989 0102 (Ekha).