Have sleep problems or insomnia? Treat it with acupuncture!

Sleep is one way to release physical and mental fatigue. With sleep, all complaints disappear or decrease, and will return to get the energy and enthusiasm to solve the problems at hand. Research shows that poor quality sleep can cause weakness, decreased concentration, decreased immune system, disturbances in blood pressure and hormones, and various other problems.

Insomnia is one of the most common ailments in today's modern society, its main features are:

  1. It's hard to sleep at night
  2. Failure to maintain effective sleep after falling asleep
  3. Waking up frequently at night and finding it difficult to fall back asleep
  4. Get up earlier than the desired time in the morning

The above can have an impact during the day, such as drowsiness, anxiety, bad mood, fatigue, unproductivity, cognitive decline, impaired concentration, and problematic social interaction, which in turn affects not only personal health but also harmony and social stability.

Causes of Insomnia

Insomnia can be caused by physical factors or psychological factors.

  1. Gadgets
    Excessive gadget play can cause insomnia because electronic devices with illuminated screens can affect melatonin at night, which can result in sleep problems.  
  1. Circadian rhythm disorders
    Jet lag, changes in work shifts, being at high altitudes, noise, cold, or heat, can interfere with sleep.  
  1. Psychological problems
    People with disorders, such as bipolar or depression, posttraumatic stress disorder, and anxiety disorders or psychotic disorders are more likely to experience insomnia.
  1. Disease
    Often there are medical conditions that cause insomnia, for example, brain lesions and tumors, stroke, chronic pain, chronic fatigue syndrome, congestive heart failure, angina, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, sleep apnea which causes sufferers to stop breathing intermittently throughout the night, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease, hyperthyroidism, arthritis, and neurodegenerative diseases.
  1. Age
    Insomnia is more common in the elderly. This is caused by a decrease in some of the functions of the sleep control system which can cause insomnia in the elderly. In addition, the presence of comorbid medical conditions is also a contributor to the occurrence of insomnia in the elderly.
  1. Hormone
    Low estrogen levels in postmenopausal women can cause hot flashes, changes in stress, or overall changes in sleep cycles, all of which can contribute to insomnia. In addition, hormonal changes during menstruation, for example, low levels of progesterone during the menstrual cycle, especially towards the end of the luteal phase, have also been found to be correlated with insomnia as well as aggressive behavior, irritability and depressed mood in women. About 67% of women have problems with insomnia either before or during menstruation.
  1. Caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol
    Coffee, tea, colas, and other caffeinated drinks consumed during the day or evening can cause insomnia. Alcohol can help you fall asleep, but it prevents you from getting to deeper sleep and often causes you to wake up in the middle of the night.
  1. another factor
    Sleeping next to a snoring partner, genetic conditions, an overactive mind, pregnancy, and eating too many late nights that are uncomfortable lying down, can keep patients awake.


Acupuncture for insomnia is one of the most popular and safe therapies. Many studies show that acupuncture has a significant effect on insomnia. Acupuncture balances the body and restores the body's physiological functions by inserting thin needles into specific acupuncture points. Research shows that acupuncture can increase the levels of endorphins, serotonin, melatonin, and aminobutyric acid and reduce glutamate levels. Thus, acupuncture therapy can improve central inhibitory function and help people fall asleep.

According to research, acupuncture can improve sleep efficiency, extend sleep time, reduce the severity of insomnia, and relieve depression or feelings of anxiety. Acupuncture is considered to have unique advantages. Not only improving sleep disturbances but also restoring mental health to a healthy state. Acupuncture for insomnia is generally done 2 times per week. When sleep is quality, acupuncture can be stopped. So, acupuncture does not cause dependence.

The article was written by dr. Freddy Julianto, Sp.Ak, MM (Acupuncture Specialist at EMC Pulomas Hospital).