Some mothers often remind their daughters not to clean their feminine parts with soap. In fact, this is wrong, cleaning feminine parts must use soap.
Cleaning the feminine part (cleaning) must use soap when bathing, morning bathing, evening bathing, it is better to use soap. Because the external genitalia or what we call the external genitalia, labia, and the outer third of the vagina are very susceptible to infection.
So, the cleaning must be done with water, not wet tissue, and must be dried. The water must also be clean. When bathing, soap the body and also soap the genital area below.
Meanwhile, if you experience vaginal discharge that is itchy, smelly, or colored, it is recommended that you immediately go to a gynecologist for a check-up.
If there is an infection, it must be treated and treated immediately. Because even the simplest reproductive organ infection, such as vaginal discharge, can ultimately cause difficulty in getting pregnant.
Why Do Myths About Reproductive Health Spread in Society?
This happens because reproductive health science is discussed by word of mouth. In whispers because this science is still considered taboo in Indonesian society.
If we talk about menstruation, vaginal discharge, vagina, it is still considered taboo by our society. Because of these whispers, many myths are circulating, incorrect knowledge adopted from women is passed down to the next generation.
Debunking Myths About Reproductive Health
Misconceptions about reproduction are passed down from generation to generation.
Therefore, we must uphold the facts that mothers should do for their daughters. So that this vicious circle is broken.
In order to dispel these myths, Dr. Caroline diligently shares education about reproductive health through her Instagram account @drcarolinetirtajasaspogk and her YouTube channel @drcarolinetirtajasaspogk910.
I want this science to grow, more women can maintain the health of their reproductive organs and get the right knowledge of reproductive health from expert doctors. Which is not based on the words of this mother, the words of this neighbor, which is unclear.
Why is Reproductive Health Science So Important?
The female reproductive organs are the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, cervix, vagina, and labia, so those are the things that need to be taken care of for reproductive matters.”
With good reproductive organs, women can give birth to healthy children. Therefore, reproductive organ health is very important.
Many beautiful women, smooth skin, appearance like photo models, but have unhealthy reproductive organs. Having endometriosis, every period is always painful, in the end the uterus must be removed before being pregnant. This is a sad fact, of course we don't want that to happen.
The article was created based on the Healthy Monday program in collaboration between EMC Healthcare and Liputan6, with resource person Dr. Caroline Tirtajasa, Sp.OG (K) (Obstetrics and Gynecology, Fertility & Reproductive Hormone Specialist, Laparoscopic Surgeon at EMC Pulomas Hospital).