Recognize the Root of the Problem and Treatment of Scoliosis in Children

Scoliosis is a spinal disorder characterized by a curvature to the right or left side. Scoliosis can occur in anyone, both adults and children. Even though many children and teenagers experience this, this spinal disorder is rarely detected when a newborn is born or in the early stages of a child's life because the abnormality is not yet recognized or is difficult to see.

Based on the cause, scoliosis is divided into four, namely:

  • Congenital, occurs from birth. Usually followed by other congenital abnormalities.
  • Idiopathic, occurs most often (80%) the cause is unknown, but may be related to genetics. Begins to appear at age 10 until 18 years old or when the child experiences puberty.
  • Neuro Muscular, followed by other neuro muscular disorders, such as cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy.
  • Degenerative, occurs in adults / elderly over 65 years due to "Wear & Tear" / degenerative process (aging).

The Roots of Scoliosis Problems in Children

  • Genetic Factors
    Some cases of scoliosis are caused by genetic factors. If a close family member, such as a parent or sibling, has scoliosis, the child may also be at risk of developing a similar condition.
  • Abnormal Spinal Growth
    Scoliosis in children can be caused by abnormal spinal growth. Uneven or asymmetrical growth can cause curvature of the spine. Hormonal changes during puberty can also affect spinal growth and contribute to the development of scoliosis.
  • Poor Posture
    Poor posture can be a risk factor for scoliosis in children. The habit of sitting or standing in a bad position, such as bending over too often or using a bag that is too heavy, can affect spinal posture. It is important for parents to teach children about the importance of good posture from an early age.
  • Scoliosis Diagnosis
    Scoliosis can be checked by carrying out several examinations. From physical examination, you will see asymmetry of the shoulders / waist / hips. If combined with an examination where the patient is asked to bend 90 degrees, misalignment of the shoulders, hips & ribs will be seen. The examination is confirmed with MRI, CT-Scan & X-Ray to measure the angle & severity of scoliosis.

Treatment of Scoliosis in Children

  • Observation and Monitoring
    In some cases, mild scoliosis in children can be treated with regular observation and monitoring by a doctor. The doctor will perform a physical examination and use monitoring techniques such as X-rays to monitor the progress of the spinal curvature. This monitoring is important to ensure that the scoliosis does not worsen significantly.
    In most cases of scoliosis in children, "Wait & See" and regular monitoring can be done.
  • Physiotherapy and Exercise
    Physiotherapy and exercise can help strengthen the muscles around the spine and improve posture. A physiotherapist can design an exercise program appropriate to the child's condition to help reduce spinal curvature and increase flexibility. These exercises should be done regularly and supervised by a medical professional. The aim of the exercise is to lengthen the muscles on the "tight" side thereby reducing pain & pressure on the Spine.
  • Use of Back Support
    In some more severe cases of scoliosis, your doctor may recommend wearing a back brace. Back braces help maintain good spinal alignment and prevent further development of scoliosis. This support is used for around 20 hours per day. According to studies, it is 80% effective in children with scoliosis.
  • Operation
    If scoliosis in a child reaches a certain level of severity and disrupts organ function, surgery may be necessary. Scoliosis surgery procedures involve placing a brace or using metal rods to straighten the curved spine.

Dealing with scoliosis in children requires intensive support and attention. It is important to provide emotional and mental support to children who have scoliosis, because this condition can affect their self-confidence. Education regarding the importance of maintaining good posture, appropriate physical activity, and regular visits to the doctor are important preventive steps to reduce the risk of scoliosis. If you encounter general signs of scoliosis in children, immediately consult a doctor for appropriate treatment for your child's scoliosis condition.

Article written by dr. Steesy Benedicta, M.Ked.Klin, Sp.OT (Specialist in Orthopedics & Traumatology at EMC Pulomas Hospital).