Inflammation of the lining of the brain (meningitis) is still a scourge worldwide due to high morbidity and mortality, as well as long-term complications which are sometimes permanent. This disease can affect anyone at any age. The cause of meningitis can be bacteria/virus/fungus. Meningitis is an emergency condition and requires recognition of signs/symptoms and early and adequate treatment.
Early symptoms of meningitis can vary at different age stages, suggestive symptoms can include fever, seizures, with or without loss of consciousness. At the age of less than 2 years, the symptoms are sometimes atypical, such as being fussy/anxious for no apparent reason, being lazy to breastfeed/drinking, and tending to be weaker. Whereas at the age of more than 2 years, the symptoms can appear more typical, such as crying in pain, vomiting, severe headaches.
Prevention of meningitis in infants and children
- It is important from the beginning of pregnancy to maintain maternal and fetal nutrition, because the incidence of meningitis in low birth weight babies is 3 times higher than normal birth weight babies.
- Meningitis immunization, such as Hib immunization which is already included in the DPT combo and pneumococcal immunization (PCV) according to the schedule recommended by the Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI).
- Strict monitoring of children's growth and development and nutritional status is an important thing that must be done regularly
- Maintain cleanliness, such as diligently washing hands with soap after activities, and limiting contact with people with meningitis.
- Maintain immunity by providing a healthy diet, regular exercise, age-appropriate games that are both educational and fun.
Article written by dr. Anisa Setiorini, Sp. A (EMC Sentul Pediatrician).
Consult a doctor for further treatment if there are complaints in infants and children. Early prevention is better than cure. #LiveExcellently