What is Hepatitis A?
Hepatitis A is an inflammatory condition of the liver caused by infection with the hepatitis A virus (HAV). This disease can be easily transmitted through food and drink contaminated with the HAV virus. Although relatively mild, Hepatitis A can cause a decrease in liver function.
In many countries, hepatitis A is one of the most common infectious hepatitis diseases. In Indonesia alone, in recent years the number of cases of hepatitis A has continued to grow.
What causes Hepatitis A?
Basically, hepatitis A is caused by an infection with the HAV virus. The HAV virus can easily spread through food and drink that has been contaminated with the hepatitis A virus. The factors that can increase the risk of causing hepatitis A are:
- Live in or visit an area that has a lot of cases of hepatitis A.
- Being in an environment with poor sanitation.
- Have direct contact with people with hepatitis A.
- Having unprotected sex.
- Using contaminated needles.
What are the symptoms of Hepatitis A?
Not all people with hepatitis A will show significant symptoms. Usually, symptoms of hepatitis A can only be seen about 4 weeks after infection with the HAV virus. Initial symptoms that hepatitis A sufferers may experience include:
- Loss of appetite.
- Nauseous
- Feeling tired and weak
- Pain in joints and muscles
- Pain in the upper right abdomen
Patients with hepatitis A may also experience advanced symptoms that appear after the initial symptoms. Advanced symptoms of hepatitis A can include:
- The eyes and skin of the sufferer are yellow (jaundice).
- The patient's urine is dark in color.
- Pale yellow stools.
- There is swelling of the liver which is characterized by a swollen right upper abdomen.
Diagnosis is confirmed by clinical symptoms and laboratory tests.
How to treat hepatitis A
In general, hepatitis A will heal by itself so this disease does not require special treatment. This happens because the patient's immune system will fight the virus by itself within a certain time. However, to treat the symptoms of hepatitis A it is recommended to get enough rest. If there are symptoms of nausea that can reduce appetite, sufferers can handle it by consuming high-calorie foods. It's a good idea for sufferers to see a doctor if they experience symptoms so they can get good treatment.
To prevent hepatitis A
There are various ways you can do to prevent hepatitis A. One of the easiest ways is to always keep yourself and the environment clean. A clean and healthy lifestyle can be implemented by washing hands before eating, always peeling and washing vegetables and fruit using clean water, and avoiding eating undercooked or undercooked meat.
In addition, prevention of hepatitis A can also be done by vaccinating against hepatitis A. The hepatitis A vaccine can help the body fight the HAV virus by forming antibodies within one month. In order to build the body's immunity perfectly, hepatitis A vaccination should be given 2 times, 6 to 12 months apart.
Hepatitis A is often not realized by sufferers, because not all sufferers experience the symptoms. That is why it is important to always prevent hepatitis A by adopting a healthy lifestyle. If you encounter symptoms of hepatitis A, you should never ignore it and immediately have it checked by a doctor so that it can be treated properly.
Article reviewed by dr. Muhammad Yamin Lubis, Sp.PD-KGEH, FINASIM (Internal Medicine Specialist - Consultant Gastro Entero Hepatology at EMC Sentul Hospital).