Often Unnoticed, These Are 7 Bad Habits that Trigger Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis or bone loss has been considered a health problem that is commonly suffered by the elderly. This assumption arises because calcium production and bone density will continue to decrease with age. In fact, the level of risk of osteoporosis is not only determined by this. There are several other factors, such as genetic factors, gender, to habitual factors that can actually increase the risk of osteoporosis. Here are some habits that you may often do that trigger osteoporosis.

  1. Rarely Exposed to Sunlight

Exposure to sunlight is often avoided for reasons of comfort in activities. In fact, to keep bones healthy until old age, sunlight is one of the keys. Vitamin D contained in sunlight can help the process of absorption of calcium which indirectly helps the process of bone formation and regeneration. So, cut back on sun avoidance if you don't want to be deficient in vitamin D and be overshadowed by your risk of osteoporosis.

  1. Lazy to move

Relaxing all day is very enjoyable. However, it's good if you spend your leisure time doing a number of things and moving actively because being lazy to move can be one of the causes of osteoporosis risk. Bones, which are supporting aspects of body movement, require routine movement to maintain optimal function. Minimal movement can weaken the bone structure and result in decreased bone function, thereby increasing the risk of osteoporosis.

  1. Too Often Drink Coffee

A glass of coffee as a bodyguard for the day or a distraction when tired of doing activities really feels good. However, start paying attention to the amount of your coffee consumption because it turns out that consuming too much coffee can be one of the factors causing osteoporosis. Maybe you are wondering about the cause. In fact, the caffeine content in coffee can increase the excretion of calcium through the urine and reduce the efficiency of calcium absorption in the intestine. This results in a weakening of the bone structure which indirectly increases the risk of osteoporosis.

  1. Likes to Smoke

There is bad news for those of you who like to smoke. The risk of developing osteoporosis turns out to be greater if you are a smoker. Smokers have a much lower bone density than non-smokers. In fact, smoking produces free radicals that kill the cell components that are supposed to build healthy bones. Another reason is because smoking can also increase the production of the hormone cortisol which indirectly weakens bone density.

  1. Not Limiting Salt Consumption

Perhaps not many people realize that there is a relationship between high salt intake and decreased bone density. Salt dosage is usually calculated from the sodium content contained in it. Consuming too much salt can make sodium levels in the body increase which causes the body to release more calcium through urine.

  1. Too Much Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages

If you don't want to have osteoporosis, it's a good idea to reduce your drinking habits. The reason is, alcohol can interfere with the performance of the digestive system in the process of absorption of calcium. Alcohol also affects the function of the pancreas and liver, thereby indirectly affecting the levels of calcium and vitamin D in the body. In fact, alcohol can trigger an increase in the hormone cortisol accompanied by a decrease in the hormones estrogen and testosterone which can weaken bone density.

  1. Too Much Consumption of Meat

Meat contains a lot of protein which can cause the kidneys to excrete more calcium. In fact, losing a lot of calcium can result in reduced minerals in the bones which then lead to osteoporosis. Therefore, pay attention to your meat consumption and make sure you know the right portion to avoid the risk of osteoporosis.

Those are various habits that can trigger the risk of developing osteoporosis. Start reducing the habits above if you want to have bones that are always healthy and strong. Not only that, a good lifestyle can also help you keep your body fit and able to carry out activities smoothly on a daily basis. #LiveExcellently