Acid reflux disease or GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) is the rise of stomach acid up to the esophagus or esophagus. Rising stomach acid can cause pain in the pit of the stomach, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, and others. Basically stomach acid is produced to help digest food, but in certain cases stomach acid can be produced in excess.
Fasting can cause stomach acid to rise?
Fasting is one of the obligations for Muslims. One type of disease that often occurs during fasting is acid reflux. Fasting is an activity where a person has to endure hunger and thirst for a long time. Fasting can be a cause of increased stomach acid production due to an empty stomach and not getting food. The function of food is to neutralize an acidic stomach condition due to excessive stomach acid production. Therefore, during fasting, the stomach does not get food intake for a long time causing stomach acid to rise to the esophagus or esophagus.
How to deal with rising stomach acid during fasting
Treatment of stomach acid can be done by taking drugs and self-management (if the condition is not severe). Stomach acid increases during fasting, here are some ways you can do it:
- Consumption of foods high in fiber and easy to digest, such as fruits, vegetables and complex carbohydrates when breaking the fast or dawn.
- Avoid consuming spicy, high-fat and sour foods when breaking the fast and dawn.
- Change bad habits such as smoking and consuming alcoholic beverages or contain caffeine.
- Set the portion of food when breaking the fast. Eat a sufficient portion that is not fatty.
- Avoid sleeping or lying down after eating, preferably sitting or standing for at least 2 hours after eating.
- Consumption of sufficient water when breaking the fast and dawn, so as to keep the body hydrated during fasting.
- Consume foods that contain probiotics, such as yogurt or probiotic supplements.
- Set the pattern of opening and dawn time, try not to be too early or too late.
- Avoid excessive physical activity while fasting, because it can increase the risk of getting stomach acid.
Can people with stomach acid fast?
The condition of a person's stomach acid is different, and the symptoms that arise in sufferers are certainly not the same. Are people with stomach acid allowed to fast? Actually, fasting is not recommended for people with stomach acid with frequent and severe symptoms because fasting can worsen stomach acid conditions. However, for people with gastric acid with mild symptoms, fasting can still be done through some changes to a healthier diet and lifestyle. Basically, people with stomach acid are allowed to fast, just don't push themselves and know the limits of their body's capabilities. Happy fasting, don't forget to always take care of your health.
Article written by dr. Indra Satiavani, Sp.PD (Internal Medicine Specialist at EMC Cikarang Hospital).