High levels of stress can affect a person's eating patterns and impact nutritional status, because they can trigger changes in a person's eating patterns, such as a desire for unhealthy food and a lack of appetite. Apart from that, stress can also affect levels of the hormone cortisol in the body, which can trigger an increase in appetite and desire for sugary and fatty foods.
If someone is experiencing stress, this can also affect mental health which will also affect eating patterns and nutritional status. Therefore, it is important to manage stress well and maintain a healthy diet to maintain a healthy body so that it can produce balanced nutrition.
Balanced nutrition is a daily food composition that contains nutrients in types and quantities adapted to the body's needs, taking into account the principles of dietary diversity, physical activity, clean living behavior and normal body weight to prevent malnutrition problems. Balanced nutrition is very important to maintain a healthy body and prevent various diseases. To maintain balanced nutrition, there are several things you can do, including:
- Consume staple foods.
- Reduce consumption of foods that are too salty, spicy, sweet and fatty.
- Do exercise regularly.
- Consume foods or side dishes that have high protein levels.
- Wash your hands regularly.
- Get into the habit of having breakfast before starting activities.
- Consume enough water.
- Consume fruit regularly.
- Eat vegetables regularly.
- Get into the habit of reading food labels on food and drink packaging before consuming them.
If there is a lack of balanced nutrition, it can cause various health problems and affect the body's immune system. Some of the possible impacts of a lack of balanced nutrition include:
- Anemia: A condition that occurs when there is a lack of red blood cells due to a lack of iron, vitamins and other minerals
- Obesity: A condition that occurs due to excess calorie intake, imbalance in the composition of carbohydrates and fats, immobilization of activities.
- Thrush: A condition where there are sores or inflammation in the mouth due to a lack of vitamin C.
- Goiter: A condition where there is a lump in the neck due to iodine deficiency.
- Night blindness: A condition where vision problems occur due to vitamin A deficiency.
- Hungry abscess: A condition that occurs due to a lack of protein and calories.
Lack of balanced nutrition can also cause the body's immune system to weaken, making it more susceptible to infection. Therefore, it is very important to maintain a balanced nutritional intake and pay attention to the principles of dietary diversity, physical activity, clean living behavior and normal body weight to prevent malnutrition problems.
Article written by dr. Yuliyana Kusaeri, M.Gizi, Sp.GK (Clinical Nutrition Specialist at EMC Pekayon Hospital).