Often tingling in the hands? Be careful, you might have carpal tunnel syndrome . Carpal canal syndrome is a condition caused by increased pressure on the nerve that runs through the front of your wrist or the median nerve. The median nerve is the main nerve that allows the hand to feel things. This nerve passes through a narrow space in the wrist where it is known as the carpal canal.
Carpal canal syndrome is usually experienced by people who do various jobs repeatedly with their hands. For example, working with a computer keyboard for a long time, coupled with bad posture. In addition, some activities that are carried out too intensely and for a long time, such as gripping objects tightly, using cell phones, and holding newspapers can also increase the risk of developing carpal canal syndrome.
Symptoms that can be felt if you have carpal canal syndrome, namely numbness and loss of hand function, then tingling all over your hand. In addition, your sleep and activities will often be disrupted because of the pain and burning sensation in your fingers. If this happens, you can relieve the symptom by shaking your hand vigorously and then supporting your wrist with a support while sleeping. To prevent this condition from getting worse, maintain your posture and avoid activities that increase pressure around your median nerve.
Carpal canal syndrome can be treated through medication, such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, high doses of vitamin B6, and steroid injections around the nerves. Unfortunately, even though it can help relieve pain, the effects of this treatment can only be temporary.
If you have done some of these treatment solutions but there is no change and signs will heal, you should immediately consult a doctor and do a nerve test to find out whether you need to do surgery or not. Because, if you really have carpal canal syndrome, it is necessary to carry out a surgical procedure by cutting the narrowed nerve tissue to permanently reduce pressure on the nerves.
For those of you who are required to have surgery, now you don't need to be afraid or worried because now there are treatments that are more effective and minimally risky through minimally invasive surgery. This minimally invasive surgical technique is performed by making a one-centimeter incision in your wrist and guided by special, sophisticated tools and a video camera to see the problems with the nerves clearly.
Prior to surgery, you will be given a local anesthetic to block pain in your wrist, but you will wake up during the procedure. Then the surgeon will cut the tight ligament or flexor retinaculum that forms the roof of the carpal tunnel . This is done to relieve the nerves from pressure. This minimally invasive surgical technique only causes very small injuries, so there are minimal risks and complications.
Then, administering local anesthesia will allow the doctor to be able to continue to communicate with you during surgery and ensure that there is no interference with the nerves, because the surgeon may ask you to move your hand to examine it.
Apart from minimal risks, the recovery process for minimally invasive surgery is also much faster compared to open or conventional surgery. That way, you can go home and do your activities more quickly after the surgery is over.
Even so, there is still some pain and weakness that lasts one to two months in your hand. So, after minimally invasive surgery, don't forget to keep your hands in good condition and leave them bandaged for two days. Then, work your fingers, elbows, and shoulders with gentle stretches to prevent hand stiffness.
Thus an explanation of minimally invasive surgery for the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome . Don't forget to do regular exercise to restore your body's condition so you can carry out normal activities as soon as possible. However, before exercising, ask your doctor first, what physical activities can be done and what cannot be done so that the recovery process continues smoothly. #LiveExcellently