What is Erectile Disorder?
Erectile disorder is a condition when there is an inability to get and/or maintain an erection for the purpose of sexual satisfaction. Erectile dysfunction is often a scourge for men who should be treated quickly. However, not a few sufferers of erectile disorders are reluctant to have their condition checked because of embarrassment.
What causes Erectile Disorders?
The causes of erectile disorders are divided into two, namely psychogenic factors and organic factors. Psychogenic factors are usually caused by psychological problems such as stress, depression, or because you have personal problems with your partner. Organic factors can be caused by medical conditions that occur in patients. An example is the occurrence of hormonal disorders, diabetes, or due to the impact of a history of drugs consumed.
When should you see a doctor?
If erectile dysfunction has occurred for three months or when the condition is disturbing, then you should immediately have it checked by a doctor so you can get early detection , so that the factors that cause erectile dysfunction can be treated properly. The longer it is ignored, the more severe the disturbance of erectile function will be.
How are the symptoms?
The first symptom that is felt is usually the absence of an erection in the morning or an erection that is not hard enough to penetrate and maintain it until ejaculation. If this happens in a row every time you try to have sex several times, then you should immediately visit a doctor because erectile problems can occur.
How to handle before going to the doctor?
In conditions of erectile disorder, self-medication is not recommended. Herbal medicines can usually cause side effects such as liver disease which can also lead to more severe erectile disorders. However, what might be done is by implementing a lifestyle-modification , by adopting a healthier lifestyle and exercising diligently. Because by implementing an active-lifestyle by exercising it can produce the hormone testosterone which can help with erections.
Can smoking cause erectile dysfunction?
Yes, because the free radicals contained in cigarettes can damage the endothelial function of the blood vessels in the penis so that they can cause erectile dysfunction or disorders. However, that does not mean that all smokers will get erectile dysfunction, but this can be one of the main risk factors for erectile dysfunction.
Who can become sufferers of erectile dysfunction?
Erectile dysfunction can affect men of all ages. However, more erectile disorders occur in adult males over the age of 40. However, erectile dysfunction can also occur in men under the age of 40.
How to handle?
To carry out the treatment of erectile disorders, it must be known in advance what are the factors that cause erectile disorders. If it occurs due to psychological factors, it will be recommended to do counseling and be handled by a psychiatrist. However, if erectile disorder occurs due to organic factors, it must be treated with drugs according to the problem that occurs. The last step in dealing with severe erectile disorders is surgery.
Having a healthy lifestyle is an important thing to do in order to avoid erectile disorders. If you feel symptoms of erectile dysfunction, then you should not be afraid to visit a doctor immediately so you can get the right treatment. It is best to avoid alternative treatments that are not yet guaranteed to be safe. You can visit the EMC Hospital to get treatment from a competent doctor.
Article written by dr. Isaac Ardianson Deswanto, Sp.U (Urological Surgeon, Tangerang EMC Hospital).