The Importance of Circumcision from a Childhood

Often a question for ordinary people is the importance of circumcision. Circumcision itself is the process of removing the foreskin or skin that covers the tip of the penis. Not only for children or adults, circumcision can also be performed on babies.

Benefits of Circumcision?

  1. The penis is easier to clean
    By removing the skin on the tip of the penis, it makes the penis easier to clean. Meanwhile, for boys who have not been circumcised, the foreskin/skin that has not been cut must be cleaned regularly to avoid various risks of disease.
  1. Reduces the risk of urinary tract infections
    Even though the risk of urinary tract infections is relatively low in children and adult men, infections can still occur and will often be experienced by those who have not been circumcised.
  1. Prevents disease in the penis area
    In some cases, the foreskin on an uncircumcised penis often has difficulty or even being impossible to retract, this condition is known as phimosis. Circumcision/Circumcision is useful for preventing phimosis, especially in babies.
  1. Reduces the risk of infectious diseases
    One of the health benefits of circumcision is that it reduces the risk of sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV or gonorrhea when the child grows up.
  1. Reduces the Risk of Penile Cancer
    Based on 2020 WHO data, penile cancer in Indonesia ranks 29th in terms of new cancer cases, and 31st in causes of cancer deaths. Another benefit is reducing and even preventing the occurrence of penile cancer. Even though it is a rare disease, data proves that this disease rarely attacks circumcised men.

Post-Circumcision Healing Period

In general, the healing period after circumcision takes 7-10 days for the penis to heal completely. If an infection occurs after circumcision, immediately go to the nearest hospital to get proper treatment for the wound in the penis area.

Article written by dr. Rudy Haryanto Susilo Sp.B (General Surgery Specialist at EMC Pekayon & Cibitung Hospital).