Cholesterol is fat that is used by the body to build cells, produce hormones, and produce vitamin D. Without cholesterol, body functions will be disrupted. However, all that is excessive does not have a good impact on health, including cholesterol. High cholesterol levels, especially bad cholesterol or low-density lipoprotein (LDL) can cause fat deposits in your blood vessels. The bigger, the pile can clog blood vessels. This is what causes you to have strokes and heart attacks.
Besides being dangerous, cholesterol buildup can also occur very easily in your body. Lifestyle is one of the triggers for high cholesterol. Many are not aware that daily habits can be harmful to health. So, in order to avoid diseases caused by high cholesterol, let's take a look at some of the habits you need to change to live a healthier life.
- Snacking habits
Eating out is a solution to fill your stomach when your busy schedule doesn't allow you to cook food at home. Not only that, various choices of snacks and new restaurants always seem tempting to try. But apparently, carelessly consuming food, especially those high in saturated fat can increase cholesterol levels in the body.
If you often eat fried foods, red meat, butter, and drinks with cream, you need to be careful. Although it tastes delicious, these foods are high in saturated fat. If you like culinary tours, try to choose healthier foods and reduce the portion of less fatty foods. That way, you can enjoy delicious meals and your body stays healthy.
- A thin body is free to eat anything
Have you ever heard of cases of high cholesterol in thin people? Although some people's genes make it difficult for them to gain weight, it doesn't mean that their bodies can resist all types of fat and cholesterol. People who are thin but have high cholesterol are usually called skinny fat .
If you are difficult to get fat, it does not mean you are free to eat foods with high cholesterol. Your weight may stay the same, but your body fat levels may continue to increase. Therefore, you can start getting used to sorting out the food you consume. In order to maintain cholesterol levels, you can also see a doctor and consult a nutrition specialist.
- Lazy to move
After being tired of sitting for hours in front of the computer, it feels like lying down is the first thing you want to do when you get home. In fact, this habit can also trigger the accumulation of fat and cholesterol. Not to mention if you often eat foods that are high in fat.
To help lower cholesterol, you can take time apart in the middle of your busy life to move. Using the stairs more often can be an alternative. In addition, you can also use weekend moments to exercise instead of just lying in your room. Besides helping burn fat, this activity will make the body fresher.
- Consuming alcohol and cigarettes
Alcohol contains toxins that adversely affect the performance of the heart, blood vessels and liver. One of the consequences is the inhibition of the process of burning cholesterol so that it builds up in the blood vessels.
Not only alcohol, smoking habits also have a similar bad impact. Substances in cigarettes can inhibit the performance of enzymes whose job is to keep bad cholesterol levels at normal limits. The impact is the buildup of cholesterol in the blood vessels.
- Not managing stress
Daily life and busyness make stress unavoidable. When you feel stressed, the body releases the hormones cortisol and adrenaline. Both of these hormones can increase levels of bad cholesterol in the body.
Even though it can't be avoided, that doesn't mean stress can't be managed. When dealing with stress, you can write down or talk about the problem that is causing you stress so that you feel more relieved. If possible, distance yourself from the things that trigger stress.
After knowing the habits that trigger high cholesterol, now is the time for you to decide on the next step. You can adapt a healthy lifestyle that fits into your busy life and daily routine. Don't forget to invite the people closest to you to start a healthy lifestyle together. #LiveExcellently