These 5 Signs Show the Body Excess Sugar Consumption

Are sweets included in your favorite foods? Indeed there is nothing wrong with eating sweet foods because sugar is a source of energy needed by the body. However, you should not consume it in excess because excessive sugar consumption can cause insulin to become resistant so that it is unable to carry out its task of metabolizing sugar into energy. This can result in an increase in blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia) which can be a cause of diabetes mellitus.

Therefore, it is important for you to control your sugar intake per day. The limit for sugar consumption recommended by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia per person in one day is 50 grams of sugar or the equivalent of 5-9 teaspoons.

If your body has high blood sugar levels, your body will experience various health problems. The signs below can be an alarm for you to immediately control and reduce your sugar intake and adopt a healthier lifestyle.

  1. Easily tired

People with high blood sugar levels, including diabetics, usually feel tired more easily than people with normal blood sugar levels. High blood sugar levels cannot be processed properly by the body and can interfere with insulin function. Insulin levels that are insufficient or unable to work effectively make glucose in the body unable to be processed properly so that it cannot be converted into energy. This condition makes the body tired quickly.  

  1. Vision becomes blurred

One sign of high blood sugar levels in the body is a decreased ability to see. So, when blood sugar rises, the body is unable to produce energy that should be used as fuel for all body tissues, including the nervous system. In this case, the nervous system in the sense of sight can also be disturbed, eventually your vision becomes blurred.  

  1. Always feeling thirsty, but urinating frequently

If you always feel thirsty even though you have drunk lots of water, then you need to be vigilant. Thirst that does not go away even after drinking water is one of the most common signs of high blood sugar. This happens because your kidney function is disrupted shortly after the body is unable to control blood sugar. If the blood sugar level exceeds the daily sugar requirement, the sugar will come out with the urine. This condition eventually makes you urinate frequently and your body becomes dehydrated.

  1. Dry mouth

Xerostomia or dry mouth is usually a sign of high blood sugar. High blood sugar levels cause the salivary glands to be disturbed so they don't produce saliva normally. Usually other symptoms that can be experienced when experiencing this condition are pain in the gums and teeth.  

  1. Always hungry even though I have eaten a lot

Even though you have eaten a large portion, still excessive blood sugar cannot be processed into energy. That way, your body's cells don't get food so you feel hungry more often with an increased appetite.

These are some of the symptoms that can appear if your body has excessive blood sugar levels. If you experience this, immediately consult a doctor to check your blood sugar and get the right treatment. In addition, immediately change your lifestyle by diligently exercising and limiting your sugar intake as an effort or way to lower blood sugar. #LiveExcellently