Alzheimer's or Alzheimer's Dementia is a disease that attacks the brain and can make the size of the human brain shrink slowly, leading to slow brain paralysis. In short, Alzheimer's disease is a disorder of the nerves of the human brain that occurs due to the excessive production of Beta-amyloid and Neurofibril proteins, causing clumping or accumulation in the brain for years and resulting in nerve dysfunction and cell death.
Based on data from WHO ( World Health Organization ) in 2017, Alzheimer's Dementia cases worldwide continue to increase, it is estimated that as many as 46.8-50 million people are diagnosed with Alzheimer's Dementia. In Indonesia alone, an estimated 1.2 million people suffer from Alzheimer's Dementia, it is predicted that it will continue to increase to 2 million in 2030.
What Are the Symptoms of Alzheimer's Disease?
Usually, this disease is found in the elderly aged around 65 years and over. Symptoms of Alzheimer's disease generally include symptoms in the early, middle, and late stages. The symptoms of this disease include:
- Early Stage Symptoms
- Loss of some memory
- Wrong decision making
- Loss of spontaneity and sense of initiative
- Takes a longer time to complete normal daily tasks
- There are repeated questions
- It's easy to lose things or put things in the wrong place
- Changes in mood and personality
- Increased anxiety
- Difficulty in making payments
- It's easy to get lost even in a familiar place
- Intermediate Stage Symptoms
- People with Alzheimer's have a hard time learning new things.
- Difficulties in language and problems with reading, writing, and arithmetic
- Starting to think illogically and unable to organize thoughts
- Inability to focus or pay attention to things for long periods of time
- Difficulty adapting to new situations
- Difficulty in doing work with steps such as wearing clothes
- Trouble recognizing family and friends
- Hallucinations, delusions, and paranoia
- Behaving impulsively at inappropriate times or places
- There are inappropriate outbursts of anger
- Repetitive statements or gestures
- Late Stage Symptoms
- Not able to communicate properly
- Significant weight loss
- convulsions
- An infection appears on the skin
- Difficulty swallowing
- Loss of control over the bowel and bladder causing involuntary urination
- Increased hours of sleep
Apart from the many signs that people with Alzheimer's can show, the signs shown by each individual can be different from one another and can be misinterpreted as a senile disease. Therefore, if you feel that there are family members, relatives, or friends who experience some or some of these signs, immediately suggest a complete examination to a Neurology (Nerve) specialist so that they can be treated. This is done to minimize the symptoms or signs experienced by sufferers in order to prevent death, bearing in mind that to date there is no specific type of drug that can cure Alzheimer's disease.
The article was written by dr. Irene Halim Subrata, Sp.N (Neurology / Nerve Specialist at EMC Pekayon Hospital).