As a diabetic, do you often have difficulty choosing food? Although there are many restrictions, it does not mean that diabetics cannot enjoy good food. Come on, find out the recommendations for delicious diabetic foods that you can consume without worrying about increasing blood sugar.
Fish with omega 3
The content of omega 3 can reduce the risk of complications from diabetes, such as heart disease and high blood pressure. The reason, Omega 3 can keep blood pressure to remain stable. The American Diabetes Association Standards of Medical Care Diabetes even recommends consuming fish with omega 3 twice a week.
Types of fish rich in omega 3, including salmon and tuna. In order to maintain its nutritional content, there is a special way to prepare this delicious and nutritious fish. You can steam or bake it until it's perfectly cooked. Avoid frying so as not to increase the calorie content, carbohydrates and bad fats from cooking oil.
Soya bean
Soybean is a diabetes food that is ideal. The reason is that soybeans are rich in fiber, protein, contain isoflavones , and have a low glycemic index.
Foods that are high in fiber and protein can make you feel full longer. As a result, you will eat less and avoid eating unhealthy foods. You will also find it easier to control your overeating.
Isoflavones in soy can reduce cholesterol and insulin sensitivity. Therefore, consumption of soy can prevent you from the risk of developing heart disease while keeping your blood sugar levels low.
Corn can be an alternative food substitute for rice for diabetics. Not only does it have a lower glycemic load than rice, corn is also more filling.
Corn contains resistant starch fiber which makes it take longer for the body to digest it properly. As a result, you will feel full longer. This content also helps control the stability of blood sugar in diabetics.
Milk and yogurt
You may be familiar with the benefits of milk as a source of vitamin D which is beneficial for bones. It doesn't stop there, processed dairy products also have a variety of other nutritional content that is good for diabetics.
Dairy products, especially Greek yogurt , contain calcium, protein and probiotics. In addition, it is lower in carbohydrates than other types of yogurt. Not surprisingly, Greek yogurt is one of the foods recommended for diabetics.
Dairy products also have a low glycemic index so they don't have a negative impact on your blood sugar level. In fact, the nutrients in milk and yogurt can reduce the risk of insulin resistance in diabetic patients.
This type of spice which has a pleasant aroma and rich taste is proven to reduce blood sugar levels and increase insulin sensitivity. The higher the body's sensitivity to insulin, the more effective the body's cells are at using blood sugar. As a result, blood sugar in the body becomes lower and stable.
Even though it can reduce blood sugar levels, that doesn't mean that by consuming cinnamon, you are free to eat anything without considering the impact on your blood sugar. You still have to sort out the food you consume. Also, avoid consuming cinnamon in excess. Cinnamon contains coumarins which can cause blood sugar to fall too low, also known as hypoglycemia.
Non-starch vegetables
Although healthy, you need to pay attention to the types of vegetables you eat. Vegetables with starch have a high carbohydrate content and glycemic index. Both can have a bad impact on diabetics.
Choose non-starch vegetables that are carbohydrates and have a low glycemic index value. Some types of delicious and nutritious vegetables that you can consume are broccoli, spinach, carrots and mustard greens.
So, those are various types of delicious, nutritious, and beneficial foods for those of you who have diabetes. Even though it is nutritious and has a low glycemic value, still pay attention to portions when consuming food. Excessive consumption of certain types of food can be bad for your body.
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