Do you often feel pain in your teeth when you enjoy ice cream or hot drinks? Many think that toothache occurs because our teeth are sensitive teeth. Pain or pain in the teeth is indeed a protective response that occurs due to nerve sensitivity. This feeling of pain that appears informs that something is wrong with your teeth or oral cavity.
Therefore, if you experience pain in your teeth, it's a good idea to go to the dentist to find out the exact cause of the pain in your teeth and to get the right treatment. The following are some things that can cause pain in your teeth:
- The habit of brushing your teeth too hard
Maybe this one habit is often not realized and often done by many people. The habit of brushing your teeth too hard is often caused by the notion that dirt stuck to your teeth can be removed by brushing your teeth hard. Even though brushing your teeth too hard can damage the structure of your teeth and trigger sagging of the gums which cover the roots of your teeth so that the roots of your teeth are exposed and cause your teeth to become more sensitive and feel sore when used to chew cold or hot food.
- Using toothbrush bristles that are too rough
Many people do not pay attention to the toothbrush they use. Even though the use of soft toothbrush bristles can help you maintain the condition of your gums and teeth. The coarse bristles that you use can relax the gums so that the teeth become more exposed and can cause toothache.
- Too often consume acidic foods
Consumption of acidic foods, such as tomato sauce, lemon , grapes, kiwi, or pickles can indeed trigger aches and pains. Therefore, it is better if you avoid the food list in order to take care of your dental health and prevent you from having toothache.
- There is a gum infection
Pain in the teeth can occur due to infection that occurs in the gums. In simple terms, gums can become infected if germs get into the teeth or gums, then these germs multiply so that the body is no longer able to fight against too many of them. This infection then causes pain, aches, swelling , and bad breath .
- The tooth has been injured
The cause of toothache on this one may be rare. However, if you have ever had a tooth injury , whether due to a fall, being hit, bumped, or something else, then that could be the cause of toothache. Although the incident may have been many years ago, but the effects can last until now.
- The habit of grinding your teeth while sleeping
One of the habits that you may not realize is the habit of grinding your teeth while sleeping. This will not only trigger a feeling of pain, but can also damage the structure of the teeth so that they fall out easily.
- There is a cracked tooth
Maybe you don't realize it, but there are many things that can make your teeth crack, for example, the habit of biting food that is too hard, an injury , or the habit of grinding your teeth. If there is a cracked tooth, then the feeling of pain usually occurs when you are biting, chewing, or even drinking something hot or cold .
- Age
The last cause of toothache is age. This happens because as you get older, the condition of the gums gets weaker and loosens up so that bacteria also easily enter and multiply. To overcome this, of course, you have to regularly check up to the dentist and also use dental cleaning products that are specific to the condition of your teeth.
Thus the various causes that contribute to the appearance of pain in the teeth. Always be diligent in maintaining healthy and clean teeth and don't forget to visit the dentist regularly, at least once every six months, so that your dental health is always maintained. #LiveExcellently