LDR (Lumbar Disc Replacement) Procedure, Safely and Effectively Resolves Back Pain Complaints

Daily mobility must of course be supported by bodily health. If the body feels pain or discomfort it will of course affect activities and if it occurs for a short period of time or even repeatedly, it will certainly reduce the quality of life. When we talk about pain, one of the pains that is often experienced is pain in the spine, this time we will discuss pain in the lower spine (lumbar) more specifically.

The good news is that around 90 percent of pain in the waist due to a pinched nerve can be treated without surgery, either with lifestyle changes, medication and physiotherapy according to the doctor's recommendations.

Along with the development of spinal surgery techniques, currently there is a technique called Lumbar Disc Replacement (LDR).

What is Lumbar Disc Replacement?

Lumbar Disc Replacement is a surgical procedure to remove a damaged disc in the lower spine and replace it with an artificial lumbar disc. The lumbar spine consists of 5 vertebrae and intervertebral discs between the ribs and pelvis. When one of these discs is damaged or is pinching surrounding nerves, removing the diseased disc and replacing it with an artificial lumbar disc can relieve pain and restore spinal mobility.

Are You a Good Candidate for Lumbar Disc Replacement?

Lumbar disc replacement is an excellent treatment option for people who have certain types of lower back problems and who have not found relief from conventional treatment/medications/physiotherapy.

You may be a candidate for lumbar artificial disc replacement if you have any of the following symptoms of the condition:

  • Chronic lower back pain that sometimes increases in intensity
  • Lower back pain that increases when bending or lifting
  • Muscle cramps and/or spasms in the lower back
  • Pain that radiates to the hips, buttocks, or down the back of the legs
  • Lower back pain that can be relieved by changing positions frequently

The best way to find out whether you need a lumbar disc replacement is to consult directly with an orthopedic specialist, spinal surgeon consultant at EMC Tangerang Hospital who has performed many artificial lumbar disc replacement procedures.

Lumbar artificial disc replacement can be very effective in reducing pain in people with degenerative disc disease. The nerves and nerve roots are no longer pinched because the diseased intervertebral disc has been removed. Bone spurs are smoothed so they no longer rub against sensitive structures. The normal distance between the bones of the spine is restored. These interventions combine to relieve chronic low back pain.

Perhaps the greatest additional benefit of lumbar artificial disc replacement surgery is that it can restore or maintain motion in the spine and can maintain the lumbar spine's ability to bend, flex, and rotate. After lumbar artificial disc replacement, patients can usually return to many of the activities they once enjoyed.

What is the Process?

The doctor will examine the patient's physical and radiological examination results (MRI/X-ray) to determine the extent of the damaged intervertebral disc. The procedure will be carried out under general anesthesia and an incision in the stomach, then the doctor will remove the damaged lumbar disc, including the part of the disc that is pressing on the nerve or nerve root. The two vertebrae, also known as the vertebrae, are prepared to receive the artificial lumbar disc. If there are osteophytes (bone spurs), your surgeon will trim them. The doctor will make the space between the vertebrae slightly larger to approximate the natural distance between them. The lower side of the upper spinal bones and the upper side of the lower spine will be prepared to receive the artificial disc. The artificial lumbar disc is then carefully inserted into the spine in the correct position. The organs and muscles are then placed in their usual positions and the abdominal incision is closed with absorbable sutures.

Risks of Lumbar Disc Replacement

Overall, the risk of serious complications from lumbar artificial disc replacement is low. Although people once worried about artificial discs wearing out, modern artificial lumbar discs have been proven to last for decades without wearing out or causing problems. The risks associated with artificial lumbar disc replacement surgery are lower if performed by a spine surgeon who is skilled and experienced in performing disc replacement surgery.

Lumbar Disc Replacement Surgery Recovery

Most people need at least 2 (two) nights or depending on the patient's condition in the hospital after lumbar disc replacement surgery. Fortunately, you will be able to perform some movements such as walking the day after lumbar disc replacement surgery. On the other hand, lifting heavy weights is not allowed for several weeks. People who work in jobs that do not require physical activity may be able to return to work in about 2 weeks (conditions may vary from person to person).

Spine Center Hospital. EMC Tangerang is a center for treating spinal complaints with modern technology, one of which is technology we call Eagle Eye which uses augmented reality innovation in spinal surgery, which is the only one in the Asia Pacific. The Spine Center of EMC Tangerang Hospital has also successfully carried out more than 5000 operations. For further information, please contact EMC Tangerang Hospital Marketing at 0818-0818-0812 (WA/Call).

Article written by dr. Harmantya Mahadhipta, Sp.OT (K)Spine (Specialist in Orthopedics and Traumatology, Spine Consultant, EMC Tangerang Hospital).