WHO and UNICEF have established World Breastfeeding Week every August 1-7. The goal is that the world community, especially parents, are increasingly aware of the importance of breast milk for babies. Indeed, there is no better intake for newborns than mother's milk. If a baby gets enough breast milk, his immune system will be better, and his growth and development will be more optimal.
As a mother who has a baby who is still breastfeeding, one of the important things to know is how to keep milk production smooth. The smooth production of breast milk is closely related to the health of mothers who are breastfeeding. In addition to maintaining health, breastfeeding mothers can also do the following tips so that milk production remains smooth and abundant.
- Be sure to drink water
Don't forget that breast milk is water based. So in order to smooth, quality and abundant breast milk, breastfeeding mothers need to drink more water. As a variation, breastfeeding mothers can also increase their fluid intake by drinking fruit juice or vegetable juice. Even though they need to increase their fluid intake, breastfeeding mothers should avoid consuming packaged drinks with excessive amounts of sugar because they are not good for health.
Breastfeeding mothers also need to be more diligent in drinking water because they are more prone to dehydration than ordinary people. If a nursing mother is dehydrated because she doesn't drink enough water, her milk production will decrease. As a result, nutritional intake for babies is reduced. In order not to lack fluid intake, breastfeeding mothers should carry a bottle filled with water everywhere, especially when traveling long distances to avoid dehydration.
- Breastfeeding with Frequent Frequency
The more often the baby breastfeeds, the more milk the nursing mother produces. Conversely, the less often the baby sucks, the less milk your breasts produce. If the baby stops sucking, then the nursing mother's breasts can completely stop producing milk. Therefore, mothers should breastfeed their babies regularly and consistently, for example every 2-3 hours.
In addition, make sure the mother also gives breast milk alternately. Feed the baby with the full breast until it feels empty and alternate with the other breast that still feels full.
- Oxytocin massage
The oxytocin massage method or back massage is useful for expediting the release of breast milk. This massage is carried out along the spine. This massage movement triggers the hormones prolactin and oxytocin which support milk production. The hormone oxytocin makes the breasts contract so they can release milk more smoothly. Not only that, massage can also reduce the release of the hormone cortisol which is normally released by the body when you are experiencing stress. By suppressing the hormone cortisol, the release of the hormones prolactin and oxytocin is not disturbed.
Oxytocin massage is not difficult to do, you can ask the closest person for help to do this massage therapy. The trick, the mother can do a sitting position while leaning forward, then massage the side of the spine using a fist with the thumb pointing forward. Do the massage with a circular motion and pressure that is strong enough. Then massage the spine downward from the neck to the shoulder blades. It doesn't take long, massage within two to three minutes can have a positive effect on the smooth production of breast milk.
- Eat fruits, vegetables and high protein foods
Generally, nursing mothers need 75-85 grams of protein per day for smooth milk production. Both vegetable and animal protein are important for the production of breast milk and the health of nursing mothers. Vegetable protein from nuts, tofu, and tempeh is useful as an antioxidant so that nursing mothers are not susceptible to disease. Meanwhile, animal protein from fish, eggs and meat contains amino acids that are easily processed by the body.
Fruits and vegetables help increase the production of breast milk. Vitamins and antioxidants contained in vegetables and fruit are also beneficial for maintaining maternal health and helping to increase the production and quality of breast milk.
- Keeping mom happy
Not only the physical condition and nutritional intake, the psychological condition of breastfeeding mothers also has an important role so that breast milk is abundant. Stress hormones can inhibit milk production. For this reason, family and those closest to them need to pay special attention if breastfeeding mothers experience stress or experience postpartum baby blues .
There is also a condition called perceived insufficient milk or the perception of insufficient milk. In this condition, the mother has the perception that the milk produced is not enough, even though the milk production is good and smooth. As a result, the mother becomes stressed and rarely breastfeeds so that over time the milk dries up quickly because it is rarely given to the baby. If the mother is in this condition, the closest person needs to provide support and motivation so that the mother does not feel stressed and wants to return to breastfeeding.
Apart from being important for the growth and development of the baby, the process of breastfeeding is also good for strengthening the emotional bond between mother and baby. So, don't let your baby's breastfeeding opportunities be disrupted due to a lack of milk production. Immediately do the tips above to support a smooth breastfeeding process and to support optimal child development. #LiveExcellently