The traditional treatment method of acupuncture must be familiar to the public. Acupuncture therapy has been known since 2500 years ago in China. The term acupuncture itself comes from the Greek, namely acus (needle) and punctura (puncture). In English, acupuncture comes from the word " to puncture " , while from its home country, China, acupuncture is called cenciu . Of these various kinds of words, Indonesian absorbs them into the term acupuncture. Along with the development of the times, medical acupuncture has also emerged which is now the choice of many people.
What is medical acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a treatment or therapy technique using acupuncture needles that are inserted at certain points on the body. There are two types of acupuncture, namely traditional acupuncture and medical acupuncture. Traditional acupuncture is a complementary traditional medicine and can be performed by personnel other than medical and paramedical. While medical acupuncture is a medical science performed by medical personnel, namely medical acupuncture specialists and general practitioners who have attended medical acupuncture courses.
Medical acupuncture therapy can be an alternative treatment for various diseases related to nerves, endocrine (hormonal), and immunity. Lots of diseases can be treated with medical acupuncture, including muscle pain, diabetes, stroke , joint pain, pinched nerves, allergies, and many more.
How many times should the patient undergo acupuncture?
Acupuncture ideally done 2 times a week. However, the frequency of doing acupuncture also needs to be adjusted to the needs of the patient and also the patient's disease condition. Acupuncture is not done continuously permanently, the patient can stop doing acupuncture therapy if he has been declared cured of his illness.
What is the process of acupuncture therapy?
In general, specialist doctors will work closely with medical acupuncture doctors. They will analyze the needs of each patient and the condition of each patient, starting from the symptoms they are experiencing, the disease, to the root cause of their complaint. After that, the medical acupuncturist will perform therapy by sticking acupuncture needles at certain points on the patient's body.
Is acupuncture safe?
Acupuncture is proven to be safer than treating diseases by taking various types of drugs. In fact, WHO has recognized that acupuncture is the most effective and safe therapy. If you are interested in trying acupuncture therapy, you are more advised to do it in a hospital than in a regular acupuncture clinic. Medical acupuncture in a hospital is much safer because it is handled by a certified doctor. In addition, the needles used are new, so the process is definitely sterile and very safe. Acupuncture needles themselves will not hurt when stuck in certain points on your body.
Acupuncture therapy is also safe for all ages, from toddlers to the elderly. Usually children do acupuncture therapy to increase appetite, strengthen immunity, reduce allergies, and much more. While the elderly generally do acupuncture therapy to cure various pains or speed up stroke recovery, stabilize blood sugar levels, and others.
Can acupuncture help with pregnancy?
Medical acupuncture doctors have collaborated with midwives to help with pregnancy programs. Before carrying out a pregnancy program, the expectant mother is allowed to do acupuncture therapy which aims to increase fertility, circulation of the uterine cavity, and increase circulation of the eggs so they can develop properly.
Can acupuncture be done for beauty or help with diet programs?
In fact, acupuncture therapy can also be done to tighten the skin or stabilize hormones so that acne does not arise. Acupuncture can also be done to help with the diet. Acupuncture therapy helps maximize metabolism and suppress appetite. Meanwhile, for people who are obese, acupuncture therapy can help local fat burning in areas of the body that contain too much fat.
Those are some things to know about medical acupuncture. It turns out that with this medical acupuncture therapy, you can become healthier without having to take drugs. Even so, you must still be smart in choosing an acupuncture therapy location to carry out acupuncture therapy that is safe and comfortable and is handled by trusted practitioners using equipment that has been ensured to be sterile. #LiveExcellently
Article written by dr. Yovita Wijaya, Akp (Acupuncture Doctor at EMC Sentul Hospital).