Want to Do Cardiac Catheterization? Understand the Procedures and Risks Here!

One method of treatment for coronary heart disease is cardiac catheterization. Cardiac catheterization is a minimally invasive procedure using X-rays by inserting a catheter through the heart and coronary arteries to detect narrowing or blockages in the heart arteries (coronary arteries).  

Procedure for Catheterization

  1. The procedure is carried out in a special room (catheterization laboratory / Cathlab) & sterile.
  2. During the procedure the patient remains conscious and able to communicate with the doctor performing the procedure.
  3. The patient will be anesthetized locally in the groin or wrist or elbow fold so that the patient will not feel pain.
  4. A fine "sterile" tube (catheter) is inserted into the coronary artery.
  5. Then, a contrast agent is injected through the catheter and fills the coronary arteries. X-rays will take pictures when the coronary arteries contain contrast agent, so that we can see any narrowing or blockage in the coronary arteries

Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (Stent Placement/PCI)

Stent placement (PCI) is an action that aims to dilate the coronary arteries using a stent so that blood flow to the heart muscle can run smoothly again.  

PCI Action Process/Procedure

  1. A fine "sterile" tube (catheter) is inserted into the coronary artery until it reaches the blocked heart artery.
  2. Then, a contrast agent is injected through the catheter and fills the coronary arteries. An X-ray beam will take pictures when the coronary arteries contain a contrast agent. That way we can see any narrowing or blockage in the coronary arteries.
  3. Then the balloon, which is covered with a stent , is inserted until it reaches the blockage. After that the balloon is inflated and the stent will also open at the site of the blood vessel blockage.
  4. Next, the balloon is deflated and pulled out with the catheter, leaving a stent which aims to maintain blood flow in the coronary vessels of the heart which were previously blocked.
  5. The length of time for catheterization and PCI is approximately 1-2 hours.

Preparation for Catheterization

In every implementation of medical diagnostics, of course, there is prior preparation. Some of the preparations needed before this cardiac catheterization action are:

  1. Laboratory tests (blood tests)
  2. Fasting from eating (not eating) 4 hours before the action, taking medicine as usual
  3. Get an explanation of the procedure for cardiac catheterization
  4. Sign action consent

Cardiac Catheterization Risks

The risk of cardiac catheterization is very small, usually the catheterization examination takes place without problems. Temporary minor risks in the form of bruises due to needle injections, sensitive reactions / sensitivity to contrast substances. More serious complications are extremely rare. So it can be concluded that cardiac catheterization is a safer action.  

To reduce further risks both before and after the catheterization procedure, patients must maintain their health and avoid existing risk factors such as smoking, reducing fatty foods, exercising and taking regular medication.  

Article written by dr. Hardjo Prawira, Sp.PD, KKV (Consultant Cardiovascular Internal Medicine Specialist at EMC Pulomas Hospital).