Endocrine disorders are diseases associated with the endocrine glands in the body. The endocrine system is a network of glands that produce hormones, which are chemical signals released through the bloodstream. Hormones help the body regulate various processes, such as appetite, breathing, growth, fluid balance , feminization and virilization (the formation of secondary sex characteristics such as enlargement of the breasts or testicles) and weight control.
Causes of endocrine disorders
Disorders of the endocrine glands can cause various diseases, ranging from malnutrition, goiter, diabetes, heart problems, hypertension, to malignant tumors in the digestive system. Endocrine gland disorders are generally caused by lifestyle changes that tend to leave a healthy lifestyle. There are many risk factors that make a person experience endocrine disorders, namely:
- Increased cholesterol levels
- Family history or heredity
- History of autoimmune disorders
- Bad diet
- Pregnancy (in case of hypothyroidism)
- Surgery, trauma, infection or serious injury
The most common type of endocrine disorder
The symptoms of an endocrine disorder can range from mild or no symptoms to serious and affect the whole body. It depends on the specific part of the endocrine system that is affected. Diabetes mellitus and thyroid disease are the two most common endocrinopathy disorders.
- Diabetes mellitus
The most common disorder of the endocrine system is diabetes mellitus, which occurs when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or the body cannot optimally use the available insulin.
Symptoms of diabetes include excessive thirst or hunger, fatigue, frequent urination, nausea and vomiting, unexplained weight gain or loss, and changes in vision.
- thyroid
Disorders of the endocrine system that cause disturbances in the thyroid gland, can cause hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism.
Hyperthyroidism is a condition characterized by an overactive thyroid gland, so that the body is more active in producing hormones. Common symptoms of hyperthyroidism include, diarrhea, difficulty sleeping, fatigue, heat intolerance, irritability , mood changes, fast heart rate, tremors , and unexplained weight loss.
Meanwhile, hypothyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid is underactive and produces too little thyroid hormone. Common symptoms of hypothyroidism include cold intolerance, constipation, decreased sweat production, dry hair, fatigue, joint and muscle pain, missed menstrual periods, slowed heart rate, swollen face, and drastic weight gain.
Treatment of endocrine disorders
If the symptoms of an endocrine system disorder start to bother you, it can be overcome by correcting the hormonal imbalance. One of them is by administering synthetic hormones. However, there are several ways to prevent endocrine system disorders from appearing, namely by maintaining a healthy body weight, eating healthy foods , and getting lots of exercise. Include iodine in your diet, it can help prevent thyroid problems.
If you have the signs or symptoms above or other questions , consult your doctor for the right treatment because everyone's body condition is different . #LiveExcellently
Article written by dr. Roy Panusunan Sibarani, FES, Sp.PD-KEMD ( Internist - Diabetes & Endocrine Consultant at EMC Sentul Hospital).