Cirrhosis of the liver is a medical condition characterized by severe and irreversible liver damage. Liver damage such as cirrhosis can affect all parts of the body. Basically the liver can repair its own cells, but in this condition, when the liver is injured, the liver will repair its cells by forming scar tissue. This has an impact on the process of making protein, digestion of food nutrients, energy storage, and fighting infection.
If the damage continues and more and more scar tissue is formed, the liver will experience difficulty in carrying out its functions. Liver cirrhosis can be caused by factors and has various symptoms. What are the causes, symptoms, and how is it treated?
Causes of Liver Cirrhosis
The main cause of liver cirrhosis is usually the long-term habit of drinking excessive alcohol (addiction), or the medical term is alcoholic cirrhosis. The habit of consuming alcoholic drinks will cause Fatty Liver or fatty liver. Fatty liver can also be caused by non-alcoholic causes such as people with diabetes mellitus, obesity, eating oily foods and rarely exercising.
In Indonesia alone, infectious diseases, namely hepatitis B and C, are still the first cause of liver cirrhosis. Viral infections called hepatitis B and C can cause chronic inflammation of the liver and harm it. Hepatitis can worsen liver cirrhosis by increasing damage to liver tissue, increasing the risk of liver cancer, accelerating the appearance of complications, and impairing response to treatment.
Symptoms of Liver Cirrhosis
Cirrhosis initially causes no symptoms. Symptoms of liver cirrhosis are only felt when liver damage becomes more widespread. Symptoms that arise can include:
- Decreased appetite
- The palms are red
- Feel tired easily
- Nauseous
- Experienced significant weight loss
- Weak and lethargic
The conditions above are early symptoms of liver cirrhosis. If liver cirrhosis has reached the final stage, it will be accompanied by several other symptoms, such as:
- Yellowing of the skin and eyes
- Skin feels itchy
- Change in urine color becomes darker
- The stomach and legs swell
- Changes in blood vessels around the navel
- Vomiting blood
- The color of the stool becomes black
- Breast enlargement in men
- Easily bruises and bleeds
- Hair loss
- If it causes complications in the brain (hepatic encephalopathy), then confusion, decreased consciousness, even coma, and slurred speech will appear as a result.
Symptoms of liver cirrhosis are often not realized by the sufferer, so it is necessary to carry out early detection and consult a doctor if the symptoms do not improve or get worse.
The liver cirrhosis category based on the Child Pugh Score is divided into 3, namely mild category, moderate category and severe category.
Liver Cirrhosis Treatment
Treatment of liver cirrhosis is based on the cause and severity of the disease suffered by the patient. However, you need to know that liver cirrhosis is a condition that cannot be cured, only treatment can be done to prevent and treat complications and relieve the symptoms.
Treatment for liver cirrhosis is divided into 2 groups, namely medical and non-medical:
- Mentosa Medica
Treatment of liver cirrhosis aims to control the disease and reduce symptoms. Some treatment options include:
- Antiviral drugs
If cirrhosis is caused by a hepatitis virus infection, treatment with antiviral drugs can help control the infection.
- Low salt diet and diuretic medication
If cirrhosis causes fluid buildup (edema or ascites), a low-salt diet and diuretic medication can help reduce swelling.
- Portal antihypertensive drugs
These medications are used to lower blood pressure in the portal vein and reduce the risk of varicose veins and bleeding.
- Beta blocker medication
These medications are used to reduce the risk of bleeding from esophageal varices.
- Liver transplant
If cirrhosis has progressed to liver failure, liver transplantation may be the last option. This involves replacing the damaged liver with a healthy liver from a donor.
- Non-Medical Mentose
- Limit or avoid alcohol consumption
Excessive alcohol consumption is one of the main causes of cirrhosis, so avoiding or limiting alcohol consumption can help prevent this condition.
- Protect yourself from hepatitis infection
This can be done by getting a hepatitis vaccination, not sharing needles and using protection when having sex.
- Maintain ideal body weight
A balanced diet and regular exercise can help prevent obesity which can trigger cirrhosis due to fatty liver.
In dealing with liver cirrhosis, understanding the causes, symptoms and treatment is an important first step in efforts to prevent and manage this condition. Although liver cirrhosis is an incurable condition, appropriate medical treatment and appropriate lifestyle changes can help reduce the risk of complications and improve the quality of life for affected individuals. It is important to consult a doctor to get the right treatment according to individual conditions and needs. With consistent efforts and the right support, we can deal better with liver cirrhosis.
Article written by dr. Tjhang Supardjo, M. Surg, FCCS, Sp.B, FCSI, FInaCS, FICS - Surgeon (Liver, Bile, Spleen and Pancreatic Diseases) EMC Alam Sutera Hospital.