People must have heard of TB (Tuberculosis), but do you know how dangerous this disease is? Based on WHO data, Indonesia is ranked 6th as the country with the most TB cases in 2015. The cure rate for TB cases in Indonesia in 2016 was 85%, and this number decreased compared to 2008 data of 90%. This disease is still the number one cause of death infection in Indonesia.
A brief explanation of TB disease (Tuberculosis), is a disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium Tuberculosis (MTB). The bacteria attack and damage the lungs, and can also spread to the bones, lymph nodes, attack the central nervous system, heart and other organs. This disease is transmitted when a TB sufferer actively coughs out small dots of saliva and is inhaled by other people who do not have immunity to this disease.
After the bacteria is infected and enters the body, the bacteria are still not active because they will lie dormant for some time. This period is called the incubation period. During this period the sufferer will not feel any symptoms and also cannot infect other people. However, if the patient takes the MTB bacteria test, the results will still be positive, and you should immediately get the right treatment so that the risk of TB can be reduced.
MTB bacteria will attack the body when the immune system is unable to fight or when it is weakened (such as in elderly people, or in people with HIV). Then the bacteria will become active and grow in the lungs and blood vessels, as well as to other parts of the body.
The following are susceptible to TB transmission, including:
- Malnourished people
- HIV/AIDS sufferers
- Diabetics
- People who are undergoing chemotherapy
- Smokers and drug addicts
- People who are in contact with people with active TB.
Symptoms of TB sufferers include fever, sudden weight loss, night sweats, and persistent cough for more than 2 weeks. If you experience these symptoms, immediately go to the hospital so that you can treat them immediately.
*summarized from various sources*