What Are the Important Nutrients to Prevent Stunting in Children's Growth and Development?

Currently, most mothers of toddlers have a low level of knowledge about stunting. This can have an impact on increasing the risk of death, decreased brain and mental development, and other health problems in children. Therefore, increasing knowledge about stunting, including the signs, symptoms, impacts, prevention efforts and management, is expected to help prevent stunting in children under five.

What is Stunting?  

Stunting is a condition of stunted physical growth and development of children caused by malnutrition, usually occurring during childhood, especially in the first 1,000 days of life, from conception to two years of age. Stunting can have long-term impacts on children's health and development, including reducing their immune system, learning ability and productivity in adulthood. Factors such as poor nutrition, lack of nutrition during pregnancy, and poor sanitation can contribute to the emergence of stunting.

From existing sources, there are efforts to increase public knowledge, especially mothers of toddlers, about stunting. One way is through outreach activities and campaigns regarding stunting. Through efforts like this, it is hoped that public awareness and knowledge about stunting can be increased, so that it can help in efforts to prevent and overcome stunting in toddlers.

Thus, increasing the knowledge of mothers of toddlers about stunting is expected to be one of the keys to efforts to prevent and overcome stunting in children.

Factors Causing Stunting in Children

Stunting is a chronic nutritional problem that affects children's development, caused by many factors. The following are several factors that influence stunting in children:  

  1. Socioeconomic conditions
  2. Maternal nutritional condition during pregnancy
  3. Health effects on babies
  4. Lack of nutritional intake in babies
  5. Genetic and hormonal factors
  6. Access to clean water sources and causes of stunting

In efforts to prevent stunting, it is important to understand and avoid factors that can increase the risk of stunting.

Nutrition to Prevent Stunting in Children

Several types of food that can help overcome stunting in children include:

  1. Eggs: Contain protein and have a high vitamin content.
  2. Nuts: A good source of plant protein.
  3. Berries: Rich in antioxidants and fiber.
  4. Avocado: Contains healthy fats and other important nutrients.
  5. Fish: Source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids.
  6. Yogurt: Rich in calcium and protein.
  7. Oatmeal: A great source of fiber and other important nutrients.
  8. Chicken Meat: Source of animal protein.

These foods can help meet children's nutritional needs and support optimal growth. Apart from that, it is also important to ensure food variety, adequate nutritional intake and appropriate parenting patterns to help overcome stunting in children.

How to overcome stunting in children if it occurs

Stunting in children cannot be treated directly, but can be overcome with prevention and control efforts.

In overcoming stunting in children, it is important to understand and avoid factors that can increase the risk of stunting in children, such as poor socio-economic conditions, lack of nutritional intake in babies, and genetic and hormonal factors. By making efforts to prevent and overcome stunting in children, it is hoped that it can help improve the quality of life and health of children and prevent chronic health problems from occurring in the future.

Article written by dr. Ramadianty, Sp. A (Children's Specialist at EMC Cikarang Hospital).