What are the Tips & Tricks to Avoid Pinched Nerves?

Have you ever felt sharp pain, tingling, electric shock, or numbness in an area of ​​your body? These things are symptoms of a pinched nerve. A pinched nerve, or in medical terms a hernia of the nucleus pulposus (HNP), is a condition where the nerve is compressed by the surrounding tissue.

Considering that a pinched nerve is a condition that can interfere with daily activities, it is important to avoid things that can increase the risk of a pinched nerve. Moreover, in women or older people over 50 years of age, pinched nerves are more susceptible to being experienced.

To avoid a pinched nerve from happening to you or a loved one, here are some tips and tricks that you can apply.

1. Always Maintain Body Posture

There is a risk of a pinched nerve increases if you don't maintain good posture. It's best to avoid bending over, sitting for too long, or sleeping in the wrong position.

Make sure to always maintain correct body posture. Examples include standing up straight, sitting with your back straight and shoulders relaxed, using a supportive chair, not bending over too much, and keeping your body weight balanced on both feet when standing.

2. Stretch Regularly

Stretching can provide flexibility and maintain muscle strength. Stretching can also reduce pressure on the spine, effectively preventing pinched nerves.

In addition, stretching can increase blood circulation to the muscles and tissues around the spine, so that inflammation and tension that can cause pinched nerves can be avoided.

3. Exercise Regularly

​Not only is it beneficial for the body, exercising regularly can also prevent pinched nerves. Exercise provides additional stability to the muscles around the bones, thereby reducing pressure on the nerves.

​Apart from that, exercise as a form of physical activity can also improve blood circulation. This smooth blood circulation will certainly reduce the risk of inflammation and swelling which can cause nerve compression.

4. Pay Attention to the Technique for Lifting Weights

​Lifting weights with inappropriate technique can be a factor that increases the risk of a pinched nerve. Therefore, when you are lifting weights, make sure to:

  • Bending your knees uses your leg muscles, not your back muscles.
  • Keep your back straight when lifting weights.
  • Bring the load you are carrying closer to your body.
  • Avoid twisting your body when lifting weights.

By applying the correct technique above, the weight of the load being lifted is distributed evenly throughout the body, thereby reducing the risk of tension in certain areas of the body.

5. Avoid Sudden Movements

Sudden movements, such as turning the body suddenly or lifting weights without adequate preparation, can also increase the risk of injury and sudden pressure on muscles and nerves. Therefore, you can move slowly when lifting a load.

6. Maintain Body Weight

​Excess body weight also increases pressure on joints and soft tissues. This pressure results in inflammation and swelling in various areas of the body. Not only that, excess body weight also has an impact on poor body posture, resulting in nerve compression in that area. Therefore, it is important to maintain your ideal body weight to help reduce pressure on the entire body.

7. Get Enough Rest

​After a busy day's activities, give your body time to get enough rest. Getting enough rest can give the body the opportunity to repair and maintain tissue, and reduce the risk of tension causing a pinched nerve.

Prevention is certainly better than cure. Therefore, make sure you always maintain your health and fitness by avoiding things that can trigger this condition. Apply the tips and tricks above in your daily activities to prevent the risk of getting a pinched nerve and keep your body's health optimal.

Article written by dr. I Made Buddy Setiawan, M.Biomed, Sp.OT(K)Spine (Specialist in Orthopedics and Traumatology, Spine Consultant at EMC Hospital Cikarang, Pekayon & Sentul).