Autism or also known as Autism Spectrum Disorder ( ASD ) or Autism Spectrum Disorder (GSA) is a condition of neurological developmental disorders that affects an individual's ability to interact with others, communicate and process information.
Autism or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder that affects communication, social interaction and behavior. Based on a study conducted in the United States, early detection of the incidence of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) was conducted on 1000 children periodically from 2000 to 2014 increased from the incidence rate of 1: 150 in the year to 1: 59.
In general, people who suffer from Autism tend to have difficulty communicating socially, have limited interests and behave repetitively (repeatedly) or stereotypedly (specifically focusing on one thing). Each sufferer has a level of severity of the disorder that varies depending on the spectrum they have.
What are the Causes of Autism?
Until now, it is still not known exactly what causes autism. However, there are several factors that are known to increase a person's risk of developing autism, including genetic and environmental factors. Genetic factors passed down from family members and environmental factors can influence the development and maturation of the brain during pregnancy, birth and after birth. The existence of mutations or exposure to chemicals can change the phenotype of the baby. Some diseases that are known to be risk factors for Autism Spectrum Disorder ( ASD ) are: Rett Syndrome , Fragile X Syndrome and tuberculosis.
What Are the Symptoms of Autism?
Symptoms of Autism can vary for each sufferer. Here are some symptoms that are commonly found in people with autism, namely:
- Difficulty in communication and social interaction.
Forms of persistent deficits in communication and social interaction such as: difficulties in establishing reciprocal social-emotional relationships, non-verbal communicative behavior, failure to develop, maintain and understand relationships or interactions.
- Repetitive and restricted behavior.
Limited and repetitive behaviors, activities and interests can appear in the form of: motor muscle movements, use of objects that are not functional, stereotyped or repetitive speech, rigid attachment to a routine, either verbal or non-verbal behavior. verbal, very limited and persistent interest excessively and unnaturally focused,
- High sensory sensitivity.
Hyperresponse or hyporesponse to a sensory stimulus such as a very mild or very high pain threshold to sensory aspects of the environment.
Can Autism Be Cured?
Medically, Autism cannot be completely cured because there is no medicine that can cure Autism. However, if proper care and therapy is carried out, the symptoms and severity of Autism disorders can be reduced and Autism sufferers can slowly learn to manage their condition and live independently.
Pharmacology or drug use does not provide benefits for autism spectrum disorders, but in cases of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) with comorbid behavior disorders, sleep disorders, or anxiety disorders, routine treatment can be given.
Can Autism Be Detected Early?
Autism can be detected early. There are many instruments that can be used to detect communication and interaction disorders in children. Screening and identification of child growth and development based on the Indonesian Ministry of Health using the Stimulation, Detection and Early Intervention of Child Growth and Development (SDIDTK) instruments is carried out every 3 months from birth to 24 months of age. If developmental problems and behavioral disturbances are found, they are immediately referred to a more adequate facility for further tracking. In-depth screening for follow-up examinations in toddlers can be done at the age of 18-36 months.
How to treat and prevent autism?
Management or treatment of children with autism can be done by providing special therapy as early as possible. The therapy in question is behavioral and communication therapy, occupational therapy, family therapy and special educational therapy to improve the development of sensory, motor, cognitive and socio-emotional positive behavior. The goal of this therapy is for people with autism to adapt to their surroundings.
Several countries have conducted research by providing gluten-free food intake (a type of protein found in grains such as wheat, rye and barley) and casein (a type of protein found in milk and its products) in reducing digestive disorders in children. children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
Meanwhile, prevention of autism can be done by:
- Get adequate nutrition during prenatal, christmas and postnatal period.
- Avoid exposure to harmful chemicals during pregnancy.
- Undergo genetic examination and screening.
That's the explanation of autism disorder. If you or your family have similar symptoms, you should see a doctor as soon as possible so that you can get treatment as early as possible. Don't forget to also apply a healthy lifestyle to prevent these disorders.
Article written by dr. Messia Paramita, Sp.A,M.Sc (Child Specialist at EMC Sentul Hospital).