It cannot be denied that a woman can be at risk of developing various diseases of the reproductive organs which can be caused by various factors. One of the reproductive organ diseases that can attack women is Hydrosalpinx. Let's get to know hydrosalpinx in this article.
What is Hydrosalpinx?
The fallopian tubes are part of the female reproductive organs in the form of tubes that connect the ovaries to the uterus, and their main role is to carry egg cells from the ovaries to the uterus for fertilization. Hydrosalpinx is a medical condition that occurs when one or both fallopian tubes experience swelling and fluid buildup due to a blockage which is usually caused by an infection or endometriosis. This fluid buildup or swelling can hinder the journey of the egg from the ovary to the uterus.
The process of infection and accumulation of fluid in the fallopian tubes can form connective tissue which can block the fallopian tubes and is also toxic to the embryo which can reduce the success rate of pregnancy, which can lead to infertility problems. This hydrosalpinx condition also increases the risk of miscarriage in women who have successfully conceived.
Causes of Hydrosalpinx
Hydrosalpinx can be caused by several things, including:
- Infections in the fallopian tubes, such as chlamydia infections, can cause inflammation and ultimately result in hydrosalpinx.
- Endometriosis is a condition in which endometrial tissue that normally grows in the uterus grows outside the uterus, can affect the fallopian tubes and cause hydrosalpinx.
- Previous injury or surgery to the pelvis or fallopian tubes may increase the risk of hydrosalpinx.
How to Diagnose Hydrosalpinx
Several tests that can be done to diagnose hydrosalpinx include:
- Clinical symptoms
Hydrosalpinx does not always cause complaints or symptoms. Sometimes hydrosalpinx is only discovered when investigating the cause of infertility. Symptoms that can appear if there is hydrosalpinx include pain in the lower abdomen or around the pelvis, or vaginal discharge.
- Ultrasound
The fallopian tubes are usually not visible on ultrasound. However, if the swelling is due to fluid buildup, the lump will appear larger than usual. Sometimes, they look like sausages.
- Hysterosalpingography (HSG)
HSG is a radiological examination using contrast fluid to check for blockages in the fallopian tubes. A contrast agent will be inserted into the uterus and the movement of the fluid will be observed via X-ray. If the dye exits the fallopian tubes and enters the pelvic cavity, the fallopian tubes are open (not blocked). If the contrast agent stops at a certain point or tube dilation occurs as seen on radiology results, it means the fallopian tubes are blocked.
If only one fallopian tube has hydrosalpinx, pregnancy is technically still possible. However, there is still a risk of miscarriage due to toxins produced by the infection/blockage process that occurs in the tubes. If both fallopian tubes are completely blocked, the egg cells will not be able to be fertilized by sperm cells. In some cases, tubal blockages can be opened through surgery so that natural pregnancy is possible again. However, if the blockage and damage to the tubes are very severe, natural pregnancy will certainly be difficult to occur. If this happens, pregnancy can be attempted through an IVF program after consultation with a fertility specialist obstetrician. Before carrying out the IVF process, the swollen/blocked fallopian tubes will be removed to increase the success of the pregnancy.
How to Treat Hydrosalpinx?
By carrying out an examination, the doctor can make the right diagnosis and can recommend recommended treatment according to the patient's condition, such as:
- Treatment of infection : If hydrosalpinx is caused by an infection, treating the infection with antibiotics may be the first step.
- Surgery : In some cases, surgery may be necessary to remove the hydrosalpinx or repair damage to the fallopian tubes. Surgery can usually be performed using laparoscopy (minimally invasive)
Prevention of hydrosalpinx is also important. Hydrosalpinx can be prevented by reducing the risk of infection in the genital organs by maintaining cleanliness, and because infections are often transmitted through sexual intercourse, it is best for every woman to have safe sexual relations (using barrier contraceptives such as condoms and not changing partners).
Hydrosalpinx can be a serious challenge for a woman who is planning to become pregnant. It is important to immediately seek medical help if you are having difficulty getting pregnant or experiencing the symptoms mentioned above. With early diagnosis and appropriate management, women with hydrosalpinx may have a better chance of becoming pregnant. Consult a doctor for more information about this condition and appropriate treatment options.
Article written by dr. Satrio Bhuwono Prakoso M.Ked(Ped), Sp.A (Children's Specialist at EMC Pulomas Hospital).