The spread of the Covid-19 virus in Indonesia has recently accelerated. Based on information from the WHO (World Health Organization), some variants or mutations of the Covid-19 virus are more easily transmitted from person to person.
Of the many new variants resulting from the mutation of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the Delta variant, known as the B.1.617.2 corona virus, which originates from a mutation in India, is considered one of the most easily transmitted.
Currently, the Delta variant is reported to have spread in around 62 countries in the world, including Indonesia. When hearing news that there is a new variant of the corona virus in Indonesia which is considered to be more easily or more contagious, it is only natural that we all become increasingly worried.
If someone is infected with the original variant of the corona virus, it can infect 3 other people. Then, people infected with the Alpha variant (from England) can infect 5-6 other people. Meanwhile, the Delta variant has the potential to transmit 40% more viruses than the Alpha variant. It can be concluded that the Delta variant can infect 7-8 other people.
Why is the Delta variant of the Covid-19 virus transmitted more quickly?
- Changes in the composition of the viral protein layer, so that it can enter the body's cells more easily.
- Mutations occur in the viral DNA, thus making the infection occur more quickly with more severe symptoms.
Various lists of corona virus mutations, including:
- Variant Alpha (B.1.1.7) appeared in England.
- The Beta variant (B.1.351) appeared in South Africa.
- The Gamma (P.1) variant appeared in Brazil.
- The Delta variant (B.1.617.2) appears in India.
- The Epsilon variant (B.1427/429) appeared in the United States.
- The Zeta variant (P.2) appeared in Brazil.
- The Eta variant (B.1525) appears in various countries.
- The Theta (P.3) variant appears in the Philippines.
- The Lota variant (B.1.526) appears in the United States.
- The Kappa variant (B.1.617.1) appears in India.
WHO urges the public to continue to implement strict health protocols in order to control the spread of the Covid-19 virus and its new variant mutations. That way the chance for the virus to enter the human body is getting smaller. Low risk people, does not mean not at risk. Because there have been many cases of young people being infected with Covid-19 and having quite severe symptoms.
Article reviewed by dr. Herman, Sp.P (Asthma & Lung Specialist Doctor at EMC Sentul Hospital).