Worried about getting GERD? Recognize the Risk Factors that Cause Gastric Acid

Almost everyone must have experienced the sensation of nausea and bloating due to excessive amounts of stomach acid. Most of them only consume stomach acid relievers that are sold freely in the market. Very few people go to the doctor when they experience health problems due to stomach acid, even though the disturbance they are feeling could be acid reflux disease or GERD.

What is GERD or gastric acid disease?

Acid reflux disease or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) is a disease that is quite familiar among the people and basically this disease is caused by a greatly increased production of stomach acid. This causes several complaints such as pain in the pit of the stomach, nausea, bloating, frequent belching and some other complaints.

Who is prone to this disease?

Stomach acid can occur in everyone due to increased production of stomach acid which is multifactorial, namely acidic foods, taking certain drugs, Helicobacter Pylori infection and also stress factors that can affect increased stomach acid production. Besides that, there is a decrease in the protective factor of the gastric mucosa which can cause mucosal damage due to exposure to stomach acid.

How is this disease diagnosed?

Diagnosing gastric acid can be done through anamnesis regarding a history of complaints such as heartburn, nausea, bloating, frequent belching and other complaints accompanied by several supporting examinations such as upper gastrointestinal endoscopy or gastroscopy. Explained further, stomach acid disease is a serious disease and if left unchecked can cause stomach ulcers or ulcers in the stomach. If left unchecked and not treated immediately it can cause several life-threatening complications such as bleeding.

What causes this disease?

The cause of this disease is infection with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori , making these ulcers or ulcers precancerous because Helicobacter pylori is currently considered a carcinogenic bacterium by WHO. Acid reflux disease is a disease that is quite serious, so it can affect anyone without age or gender restrictions, be it a woman or a man. So that it can kill someone.

How to treat gastric acid disease?

Treating stomach acid can be started simply by adjusting your diet, such as:

  1. Eat small meals at regular intervals
  2. Avoid foods that are difficult to digest or can cause bloating
  3. Avoid sour foods such as tamarind and oranges
  4. Reducing smoking and alcohol consumption.

In addition to these points, it's a good idea to start adopting a healthy lifestyle with adequate rest and reducing factors that can increase stress will really help treat stomach acid. And suppose these things have not been able to cure stomach acid, then there are various types of drugs that can reduce stomach acid production. So there's nothing wrong with consulting an Internal Medicine Specialist when you feel stomach acid is bothering you.

This article was written by Dr. Nella Suhuyanly, Sp.PD – KGEH (Internal Medicine Specialist at EMC Hospital).