National Health Day is coming soon. This of course makes us wonder, have we really lived healthily all this time? Healthy living itself is actually not too difficult to achieve, especially after the socialization by the Health Service regarding GERMAS or the Healthy Living Community Movement. This movement urges people to start slowly leaving unhealthy habits and behaviors that can make the body vulnerable to disease.
In addition, GERMAS also strives to fulfill the community's needs for clean water for consumption, proper health installations, and livable housing. Check out some of the GERMAS steps that can be used as a reference for a healthy lifestyle below.
Physical Activity
It's easy to live in the millennial era, making people even more lazy to do physical activity. The ease of accessing applications via smartphones to meet daily primary needs without having to leave the house results in the emergence of unhealthy behaviors, namely not moving the body sufficiently. GERMAS tries to get rid of this bad habit and encourages people to do more physical activity every day.
Consuming Fruits and Vegetables
Fast food, which tends to be practical, is often the choice of people in urban areas, especially because they are required to do everything fast. In fact, healthy foods rich in vitamins and minerals such as fruits and vegetables are very important to support a healthy body. Consuming fruits and vegetables is a form of GERMAS that is easy to do and you can apply it from now on.
Quit smoking
Smoking is one clear example of unhealthy living behavior. In addition to endangering personal health, smoking is also very dangerous for people around because you have to inhale cigarette smoke that has been mixed with CO2 from active smokers. Medical assistance and counseling can be a solution if quitting smoking on your own will is difficult.
Don't Drink Alcohol
Besides smoking, consuming alcoholic beverages also has a very bad effect on health. You can start efforts to cultivate GERMAS by reducing, then gradually stopping the bad habit of consuming alcoholic beverages.
Regular Medical Check-Up
Carrying out periodic health checks can in fact help people manage their lives better. However, prevention is better than cure. Check your health regularly so you can prevent diseases that could attack.
Keep the environment clean
The surrounding environment greatly affects the health of the people who live in it. If the surrounding environment is clean and healthy, there will be less risk for people to contract disease. Start cultivating GERMAS by managing waste effectively and stopping the habit of littering.
Using Healthy Latrines
Sanitation is one of the important factors that determine the quality of public health. The use of clean latrines as a means of disposing of sewage is one example of GERMAS which is very helpful in maintaining public health.
Those are some GERMAS steps that you can follow to welcome this year's National Health Day. Every community basically has the right to a decent and healthy life, but to achieve this, consistency is needed in carrying out habits that can later help us achieve a fully healthy life. #LiveExcellently