
On 5 December 2024, SAME was awarded at the Indonesia Digital Customer Engagement Champion in Services Industry 2024 event with a predicate of Very Good. This award was presented to recognize SAME's dedication and success in enhancing the quality of patient experience, particularly through digital means.
At the 15th IICD Award held on 24 November 2024, SAME was again awarded as one of the Top 50 Medium-Capitalized Public Companies for Best Practices in Implementing Good Corporate Governance (GCG). This continued recognition highlights SAME’s sustained efforts to promote responsible corporate practices and enhance stakeholder trust.
On 16 November 2024, RS EMC Pekayon was accredited by the Joint Commission International (JCI), proving that RS EMC Pekayon has healthcare quality and organization management with international standards.

On 22 May 2024, RS EMC Tangerang was accredited by the Joint Commission International (JCI), proving that RS EMC Tangerang has healthcare quality and organization management with international standards.

On 30 March 2024, SAME received an award from SWA Media as the winner of Corporate Secretary Champion 2024 with the title Good.

For its efforts in implementing OccupationalHealth, Safety, and Environment (HSE) throughout 2023 within the EMC Healthcare environment, SAME has been awarded as the Best Indonesian Company in Implementing K3 with the title Good in the K3 Champion Award: "Indonesia Best Companies 2024 in HSE Implementation" dated 4 March 2024, organized by SWA Magazine and SPOT Corporate Communications.
Recognized as a hospital that has demonstrated clear commitments to quality stroke care, in the WSO Angels Awards 2023 organized by the World Stroke Organization (WSO) in collaboration with the Angels Initiative, RS EMC Alam Sutera was awarded the WSO Angels Awards Platinum for Q3 2023 & WSO Angels Awards Gold for Q4 2023.

Recognized as a hospital that has demonstrated clear commitments to quality stroke care, in the WSO Angels Awards 2023 organized by the World Stroke Organization (WSO) in collaboration with the Angels Initiative, RS Grha Kedoya was awarded the WSO Angels Awards Platinum for Q3 2023.

In the 2023 ACHS International Quality Improvement Award, RS EMC Alam Sutera was highly commended by ACHS International for the innovation program namely YourVOICE that created to assess patient experiences during treatment at the hospital.

On 21 October 2023, RS EMC Alam Sutera was accredited by Joint Commission International (JCI), proving that RS EMC Alam Sutera has healthcare quality and organization management with international standards.

On 31 October 2023, SAME received an award at the Indonesia Customer Satisfaction Champion in Healthcare Services 2023 event organized by SWA Media Group with the title Very Good. Through this award, SAME is committed to continuing to improve the quality of EMC Healthcare's health services to patients and the community.

For the second time in a row, SAME was awarded as the Top 50 Medium Capitalization Public Companies with Best Practices for Good Corporate Governance. SAME is proud to receive this award at the annual GCG Corporate and Award event which was held by the Indonesia Institute for Corporate Directorship for the 14th time on 25 September 2023.

At the HR Excellence Award 2023 held by SWA and LMFEB UI, SAME was proud to receive an award in the Reward Management & Talent Retention Strategy category with the title Very Good. Through this achievement, SAME is committed to always carrying out transformative and adaptive human resource management as to create a creative and productive work environment.

Based on the assessment results of SAME and 17 other public companies who participated in the Corporate Secretary Champion 2023, SAME has been ranked 5th following the jury's decision that SAME is one of the 11 Best Corporate Secretary Teams for the Fiscal Year 2022. From the results of this assessment, SAME is very pleased to receive the award from SWA Media as The Champion Corporate Secretary in Compliance on March 30, 2023.

For its efforts in implementing Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) in the EMC Healthcare environment, SAME has received an award from SWA Media as the Indonesia Best Company in HSE Implementation in the year 2022, with a Very Good predicate. The award was received by SAME on 16 February 2023 after going through an assessment stage in connection with SAME's participation in the K3 Champion Award: "Indonesia Best Companies 2023 in HSE Implementation" which organized by SWA Magazine and SPOT Corporate Communications.

At the beginning of 2023, SAME received an award from Economic Review as the 1st The Best Indonesia Finance 2023 Public Company for the category of Hospital with assets ranging from IDR 1 trillion to IDR 5 trillion. The award was given by the Economic Review to SAME virtually at the 2022 Indonesia Finance Award V award ceremony.

On August 31, 2022, SAME was proud to receive an award from BeritaSatu Media Holdings as The Best Share of 2022 in the Healthcare Industry for the category of Mid-Cap with a Market Capitalization above IDR 500 billion to IDR 10 trillion.

SAME proudly received an award from IDX Channel for the innovation that SAME has created through the implementation of an internal document and information management system known as the Document Management Information System (DoMInoS). The award was given on 24 August 2022 in an award event organized by IDX Channel, namely The IDX Channel Indonesia Innovation Award 2022 (ICAII 2022).

SAME received an award from Indonesia Institute for Corporate Directorship (IICD) as The Top 50 Mid-Capitalization Publicly Listed Companies with Best Practices of Good Corporate Governance. The award was given on 27 May 2022 in an award event organized by IICD, namely The 13th IICD Corporate Governance Conference and Award.

Certificate of Appreciation to the EMC Group Hospital as a Loyal Business Partner from AdMedika

RS EMC Pulomas received a certificate of appreciation from the Mayor of East Jakarta on October 2021 – as a platinum company that implements CSR through the BPJS Employment program for vulnerable workers in East Jakarta.

RS EMC Pulomas received an award and appreciation from BPJS Employment as The Best Service Center for Workplace Accidents in DKI Jakarta of the Year 2021.

RS EMC Sentul received the Bapeten 2021 award in the field of Nuclear Safety and Security for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology activities.

RS EMC Pekayon received an award and appreciation from BPJS Employment on December 2021 as The Service Center for Workplace Accidents with Support for The Vulnerable Workers.

RS EMC Cikarang received an Award Certificate from BPJS Employment Bekasi Cikarang Branch as the PLKK with the Best Service in 2021.

RS OMNI Pekayon received the Alert & Quick Hospital Award for Work Accident Handling in 2020 from BPJS Ketenagakerjaan.

Service Innovation of the Year - 2019

Health Promotion Initiative of The Year - 2019

Diagnostic Provider of the Year - 2019

Clinical Service Initiative of the Year - 2019

Orthopedic Service Provider of the Year Awards in Asia Pacific

KARS - Hospital Accreditation Commission, for OMNI Hospital Pulomas 2017-2020

KARS - Hospital Accreditation Commission, for OMNI Hospital Alam Sutera, 2017-2020

Indonesia Hospital Growth Excellence Leadership 2017

Global Health and Travel Awards 2019