Fertility Center

The topic of infertility is very painful to couples who cannot have offspring after marriage. They hope that their offspring will change their lives.
The term infertility refers to the inability of a person or couple to conceive after 12 months of regular intercourse without contraception. This indicates the presence of an underlying cause, the most common of which include anovulation and tubal damage.
Fertility services are the core specialties of the EMC Pekayon Fertility Center. There are two services, namely diagnostic services and fertility disorders therapy services.
- Fertility Consultation
- Endometriosis (Chocolate Cyst)
- Hormonal Disorders
- Menstrual Disorders
- Sexological Problems
- Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
- Menopause
- Contraceptive Problems
- Minimal Access Surgery (Laparoscopy & Hysteroscopy)
- Sperm Analysis Examination
- Sperm insemination
- Gynecological disorders surgery

Obstetrics Gynecology
Fertility Consultant - Reproductive Endocrinology
Doctor detail
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
16:00 - 21:00
To find out if you have fertility problems, there are several tests that can be done, namely:
1. Sperm Analysis by dr. Sunarto Hariman Sp. PK (EMC Clinical Pathology Specialist Tangerang).
Fertility tests are important for men or husbands to find out signs of fertility. In this test, our team performs several tests on sperm or sperm analysis, starting from structure, shape, movement, acidity level (pH), thickness, color, and amount. Normally men secrete at least 15 million sperm per cc. Now we have provided Ovary / PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) rejuvenation services.
2. Evaluation of the uterus by dr. Marinda Suzanta, Sp.OG (K-FER), CHt, Ci D.MAS, F.ART (Obstetric Gynecology Specialist Fertility Consultant EMC Tangerang).
Uterus means fetal bed. Therefore, during the pregnancy program (Promil) it is important to do a uterine examination. At the EMC Tangerang Hospital, examination of the uterine cavity uses a tool called a hysteroscope. This examination takes only 30 seconds to one minute, and we also do not use pain relievers because we rely on hypnotherapy analgesia.
Hysteroscopy is the gold standard in uterine examination. A good Fertility Center should provide this service and this is one of the advantages of our polyclinic at EMC Hospital Tangerang.
3. Examination of the fallopian tubes by dr. Nuzul Iman, Sp. Rad (Tangerang EMC Radiology Specialist).
After going through an evaluation of the uterine cavity, it is followed by an examination of the fallopian tubes or commonly called Hysterosalpingography (HSG). The HSG test is important to do, to find out if there is a blockage or other problems because this is where fertilization occurs or where sperm and egg meet. The HSG test at the EMC Hospital Tangerang Fertility clinic is also our main service because it is supported by Radiology Specialists who have a lot of experience with excellent service. Patients can feel comfortable because the HSG process is painless.
4. Evaluation of Ovulation by dr. Gede Widi Mariada, Sp.OG, D.MAS, M.Us, M.Clin Embryol, M.Hum.Reprod, CHt, Ci (EMC Tangerang & Sentul Gynecology Obstetrics Specialist).
After going through these several stages, the doctor then evaluates ovulation via ultrasound, where we provide current hi-end machines and software and are supported by adequate skills by our team of doctors. With these hi-end machines and software, we also provide fetal screening ultrasound examination services that meet international standards.
Advanced Gynecology Surgery
Advanced Gynecology Surgery is an operation needed to support fertility for several cases of couples that can solve fertility problems such as chocolate cysts (endometriosis), blockages in the fallopian tubes / blind tubes, PCOS / Ovarian drilling treatment, tumors in the uterine cavity, and so on with the aim of increasing the number pregnancy success.
EMC Tangerang Hospital provides a team of professional experts, qualified facilities and infrastructure to perform Advanced Gynecology Surgery, both minimally invasive and other major special operations.
Fertility Center Services
- Fertility Consultation (Want to have Children)
- Endometriosis (Chocolate Cyst)
- Hormonal Disorders
- Menstrual Disorders
- Minimal Access Surgery (Laparoscopy & Hysteroscopy)
- Sperm Analysis Examination
- Sexological Problems
- Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
- Menopause
- Contraceptive Problems