Tangerang EMC Hospital took part in the Senior Citizen Expo event which was held at ICE BSD on 12-14 October 2018. At this event we held activities at the booth in the form of free blood and sugar checks, as well as a talk show hosted by
dr. Kristina Joy Herlambang, Sp.BmedSci (hons), Mgizi, Sp.GK, clinical nutrition specialist with the theme "Maintaining Fitness with Balanced Nutrition for Senior Citizens".
The event, which aims to build public awareness of senior citizens towards the Elderly Friendly Indonesia movement, is the first event held in Indonesia as a result of collaboration between the University of Indonesia Alumni Association (ILUNI) Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia (FKUI) and the Indonesian Medical Gerontology Association (PERGEMI). .
It can be seen that the enthusiasm of the community is very high and also their concern for the elderly community around them. With this event it is hoped that all of us can respect parents or the elderly, and understand how to make them comfortable in everyday life. The aim of this event is to build public awareness of senior citizens towards the Elderly Friendly Indonesia movement.