As a series of events for the 10th anniversary of EMC Sentul Hospital, EMC Sentul Hospital held a social service in the form of cataract eye surgery.
There were 60 people who registered for cataract surgery and took part in the screening , but not all of them passed the selection. Director of EMC Sentul Hospital, dr. GA Kusmiati, MARS, FISQua revealed that free cataract surgery is aimed at the people of Citaringgul village, Babakan Madang subdistrict. The aim of EMC Sentul Hospital in carrying out social service is so that the existence of EMC Sentul Hospital can provide benefits to the surrounding area. Of the 20 targeted patients, 14 patients passed the selection.
Apart from the people of Citaringgul village, there are patients from Bogor City who take part in cataract surgery to fill the quota of participants who do not pass the selection or screening. The doctors involved in cataract eye surgery are all eye specialist doctors at EMC Sentul Hospital. Cataract surgery held by EMC Sentul Hospital aims to help people who need a helping hand so that they can see the colors of the world clearly again.
- GA Kusmiati, MARS, FISQua said, social service activities do not stop here. "Previously, EMC Sentul Hospital had routinely carried out social services for cataract, cleft lip and hernia operations which were held twice a year. However, currently this activity is being held in rotation at other EMC Healthcare hospitals. "This cataract surgery activity was purely held by EMC Sentul, as our service to the community around the hospital," explained the Director.
The director ensured that the patients would be controlled until the recovery period. "Patients have been selected from the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th. There were 60 people who registered but from the screening results only 14 met the criteria to undergo cataract surgery today. Today is cataract surgery, tomorrow patient control. "Furthermore, patients who live far from EMC Sentul Hospital, please go to the nearest health service center, we will provide them with a cover letter," he said.
Apart from cataract surgery, EMC Sentul Hospital has also carried out blood donations. Blood donation activities are intended for employees and the community. This activity invited very high enthusiasm from employees and the surrounding community. As it gets older, EMC Sentul Hospital continues to be energetic in contributing to serving the community. Getting stronger, reaching higher !