Acupuncture Action, a drug-free therapy solution. Can speed up recovery after stroke, relieve pain from pinched nerves, and lower blood pressure.
EMC Sentul Hospital Acupuncture Package (5x) for Rp. 1,275,000,- includes:
- Acupuncture Doctor Consultation 5x
- Acupuncture Action 5x
- Consumables (BHP) 5x
- Administration 5x
Benefits of acupuncture:
- Pain Management. Treatment for chronic headaches, migraines, vertigo, toothache, neck pain, shoulder pain, lower back pain (LBP), Frozen Shoulder, post-operative pain and others.
- Women's Health. Treatment of PCOS, menstrual cycle disorders, morning sickness, breast milk stimulation, baby blues syndrome, and others.
- Nerve Problems. Treatment of pinched nerves, post-stroke care, Bell's palsy, cervical syndrome and others.
- Digestive Health. Treatment of GERD, diarrhea, constipation, stomach pain and more.
Terms and Conditions :
- Valid at EMC Sentul Hospital, Monday & Thursday 09.00 - 11.00 WIB.
- It is mandatory to make an appointment H-1.
- The promo period is valid for 1 month from the time of payment.
- Promo cannot be combined with other promos.
- Valid for outpatients with private payment.
- For further information, contact the EMC Healthcare Contact Center: 150 789 (Call), 021 2977 9977 (WA).