December 11, 2024, EMC Sentul Hospital, Bogor Regency continues to strive to provide the best and quality services by inaugurating the new Cardio Metabolic Clinic service. With the presence of this clinic, we are committed to continuing to provide comprehensive holistic services to patients with a solid medical team.
According to the Director of EMC Sentul Hospital, dr. GA Kusmiati, MARS, FISQua, Cardio Metabolic Clinic is an integrated treatment, starting from early detection to specialist doctor treatment.
"The Cardio Metabolic Clinic at EMC Sentul Bogor Hospital prioritizes prevention, by conducting initial examinations and consultations," for him, prevention is a better effort than cure.
Because maintaining health is the first point in carrying out a routine, this service was officially launched.
Meanwhile, at the opening of the service, EMC Hospital presented two speakers. Namely, Internal Medicine Specialist, Endocrine, Metabolic & Diabetes Consultant, EMC Hospital, dr. Roy P. Sibarani, SpPD-KEMD, FES and Heart and Blood Vessel Specialist dr. Chorniansyah Indriyanto Rahayu Sp.JP(K) FIHA.
Dr. Roi explained that diabetes is a disease that has extraordinary impacts.
"Diabetes is scary. One-third of people with diabetes have heart disease," he said.
Therefore, according to him, the Cardio Metabolic Clinic service is very much needed to prevent diabetes which can develop into heart disease.
Likewise, Heart and Blood Vessel Specialist, Dr. Chorniansyah Indriyanto Rahayu said that this service will focus on prevention.
Every member of the public who comes, he said, will be given education and understanding about how to prevent it.
"Of course this is very helpful. Because basically we want to do prevention," concluded Chorniansyah.